Chapter 10

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It was their second group study today at the Park's house after school. Right now it was only Jeongwoo and Haruto, Junkyu and Yoshi were gonna be coming later since Junkyu forgot something. The atmosphere was neither too awkward nor comfortable either. They were just waiting for the other to break the silence.

When it started becoming too much to handle Haruto finally spoke, "Let's play some games while waiting for them."

"Sure, But what are we gonna play?" The two game freaks already finished almost all the games they had, and replaying the same game would be boring.

"Damn we should really put a limit to our game play.." Haruto said jokingly in a sarcastic voice and the both of them burst out laughing.

"That's impossible for us." Jeongwoo said trying not to laugh too hard. The two were almost back to how they used to be and Jeongwoo didn't know how to feel about that.

Is it gonna remain the same between us? I want something more to happen, then why am I scared to make a move? - was all he could think.

After finally choosing a game they both started playing.


"I think I like Junkyu"

They were on their third round of the game. The pressure between them was just loosening up when Haruto suddenly decided to say those words. He knew from the first day after looking at his eyes that Haruto was into Junkyu, but he held onto the last hope that he was wrong. Haruto was just kidding right? But who was he to say such a thing after seeing his friend's eyes sparkle at that moment.

Trying not to sound too disappointed he asked, "Why are you telling me?"

"Because you and Junkyu are close and I thought that you should know.."

The crush I had on Haruto was nothing after all. I'm just a friend.

"No need to worry about me, Good luck on courting Kyu!" He said almost sounding completely normal. Doing the thing he was best at- hiding his emotions.

"Then can you help me get closer to Junkyu?" Another blow to the already broken heart of Woo.




"Yoshi-yah have you ever like someone who was like- a really really close friend to you?" Junkyu asked Yoshi.

They were on their was to Jeongwoo's house but wen Junkyu suddenly stopped and asked the question.

Yoshi was shocked, "You mean like a crush? Why are you asking me?" 

"You see Yoshi..."

And then he explained everything about how he thinks he likes Jeongwoo in a romantic way and wanted to confirm his feelings for him. It took him a lot of effort to make up his mind to do ask Yoshi such a thing. After all it could drastically change what they have right now. But wasn't it better to just hold everything to yourself?

"I guess you can confront it with Jeongwoo when the two of you are alone, just be honest with your feelings and leave the rest to Jeongwoo."

Upon hearing what the Japanese said Junkyu's eyes lit up. It was a big push to the hesitant Junkyu. And now all that was left was the perfect timing. By the time they were finished talking they had already reached the Park's house. They rang the bell and stood there waiting for someone to open it.

Haruto who was playing paused the game and stood up, "I guess it's them, I'll go and get it." So he went downstairs and opened the door for them.

Originally, Junkyu was hoping to see Mrs. Park or Jeongwoo but this time it was Haruto.

"Come inside, we were waiting for you." Haruto said giving them some space to enter, secretly eyeing Yoshinori.

"Sorry for being late" Yoshi said and pulled Junkyu along with him who was nervous ever since the thought of talking it out with Woo crossed his mind.

They entered Jeongwoo's room and started to prepare for the studying.

"What took you so long?" Haruto asked taking a seat beside Junkyu.

"The book just took too much time to find."

Jeongwoo who was sitting opposite to them was secretly listening to their conversation
They look nice together- was all he could think of.

Soon the lessons started, Junkyu helping Haruto and Yoshi helping Jeongwoo. But Jeongwoo was not able to focus no matter how much the Japanese explained, he kept messing up. The reason? He just had too mush in his mind, too many things troubling him.

"Junkyu why don't you try helping him?" Yoshi said given up completely. So they exchanged their places and now Jeongwoo and Junkyu are sitting together.

I should be helping Haruto get closer to Junkyu and yet here I am- He thought.

"Is something bothering you Woo?" Junkyu whispered to him not trying to disturb the other two.

"I-it's nothing Kyu, don't worry." It was a lie, Junkyu could tell that something was up but for now he just decided to ignore it.
After hours of working, it was time to call it a day and Junkyu and Yoshi were also done with their project all that was left was to make it look presentable for the teacher. Jeongwoo and Haruto still had some portion left to complete, but they decided to leave it for the next time.

After the three of them were gone Jeongwoo finally closed the door and went to his room. There he threw himself on his bed and thought.

Haruto... likes Kyu, not me..

Does Kyu like Haruto too?

Why does that even matter? I'm just a supporting caracter- a friend anyways..

Let's just forget about it..

And then fell asleep.


"Aren't you going home?" Haruto asked Junkyu who was going to the opposite direction. Hoping to be able to be together again.

"Sorry Ruto-yah, I have something to talk with Yoshi." Junkyu said looking at Haruto.

"Sure, bye!" With that Haruto turned around and started walking away, hiding the bit of jealousy in his heart.

After Haruto was gone Junkyu crossed his hands and looked at Yoshi and started ranting, "Yoshi-yah did you see him today! He looked sad!"

"Maybe he was stressed?" Yoshi agreed to what the latter said.

"Stresssed with what?"

"Maybe the project? I don't know.." He said walking forward. Junkyu just sulked walking behind Yoshinori.

"What about you though? Have you made up your mind yet?" Yoshi asked attempting to change the subject.

"Maybe after school tomorrow.."

"Seriously!?" He sort of yelled but quickly covered his mouth. It was surprising how quickly Junkyu made the decision even though he was the one who advised him.

"I need to do it someday or the other after all." Junkyu spoke and continued walking leaving Yoshi behind.

Tomorrow would be the day he would make his feelings clear to Jeongwoo. No matter what the outcome may be, he will surely convince Woo no matter what.

It's been almost a week since I last updated and I'm really sorryy😔
I hope you like the update and please write a review if you are enjoying the story or not 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Also Can you guess what the poll on Chapter 9 was for?😉

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