Chapter 16

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It was the start of another not-so-normal day for HaJeongKyu trio. Jeongwoo and Haruto were on their way to pick Junkyu up. Of course- things were NOT back to normal between the three. Jeongwoo had been wanting to get Junkyu to have some alone time with him, but every time he went near Junkyu he would either ignore him or go over to Haruto or Yoshi. Haruto was constantly pinning on Junkyu for the past days, and after their mini tour Haruto and Junkyu had gotten closer and started spending a lot of time together. 

It actually haunted Jeongwoo- that his imagination of that day about Junkyu being someone else's, would come true. He kept asking himself whether he was doing the right thing or not. He did reject him after all, It will be hard for them to return back to normal. But the only option that  was left to keep trying. Wanna know something Jeongwoo learnt from this experience? The one's we love only appear special and different because our love for them makes them sparkle in our eyes.

They finally reached Junkyu's house, but instead of Junkyu there was a pretty older girl standing in front of their house. Haruto was dumbfounded, but Jeongwoo seemed to recognize her immediately. "Jisoo-noona? Good Morning." He greeted her bowing his head a bit.

"Jeongwoo- yah! Good morning. Are you here for Junkyu?" She replied looking at them with a smile almost identical to Junkyu's. "Yeah, but where is he?" Jeongwoo asks as there was not a single trace of Junkyu.

"I'm sorry but he has a toothache and won't be able to go to school today." She said in an apologetic way. "Is he alright?" Haruto asked in a concerned tone worried about Junkyu. " Don't worry, he is fine. Aren't you Junkyu's friend from a few weeks ago?" She said looking at Haruto.

"Ah- yeah, my name is Haruto, Junkyu and Jeongwoo's friend." He said in a deep voice while bowing down. "Ah.. I'm Junkyu's elder sister, Kim Jisoo, guess you and Junkyu are really close huh." She replied in a teasing manner. Jeongwoo who clearly had no clue about what was happening got curious and decided to focus on their conversation.

"What do you mean noona?" Jeongwoo spoke trying to get the information (tea). Seriously, it had only been a few days since he found out about his true feelings, but here he was getting jealous about god knows what.

"Ah.. it's just that Junkyu doesn't particularly like going outside, but he looked like he enjoyed spending time with you." She said in a really confusing manner, making it sound like they went to a date or something. Which clearly was not in Jeongwoo's favor.

Before the conversation could get any longer Jisoo's friend Jennie came to pick her up. She waved them a final goodbye before leaving for her college leaving the two boys behind. "Does Junkyu always gets toothaches like these?" Haruto asked Jeongwoo who was having an internal battle with himself on a certain topic. "Sometimes" He said and they continued making their way towards the hell-like place called school. 

"Yah what were you talking about earlier?" Jeongwoo asked Haruto, surprising him since Jeongwoo never really was the drama loving type. "Some days ago I met Junkyu near the big water fountain and he said wasn't yet familiar with the places so I gave him a small tour of the town." Haruto replied remembering the sweet moments they had exchanged together that day. But it happened to piss Jeongwoo off even more. Junkyu could've asked him right? or maybe Yoshi? But why did it have to be Haruto?

"So? Where did you two go?" He asked with an stone cold face, hands inside his pockets, walking before Haruto so that his face couldn't be seen. "Uh.. we went to the X café and also the town library- oh and also the craft shop in the *** road. Look we even bought these-" he said lifting his hand to show something. Jeongwoo looked back and saw a Crayon Shin-chan keychain in his hand. One similar to what Junkyu had on his bag a few days ago.

The conversation went on and Jeongwoo couldn't stop feeling the lovely vibes coming from the description Haruto was giving. 

X café is a really popular dating spot for couples and that made Jeongwoo even more jealous, plus wasn't it supposed to be a tour? What were they- specifically Haruto who hated books, doing at a library? A normal person, or any person would definitely think that it was a date. 

"Jeongwoo-yah, Haruto-yah!" They heard their named being called once they entered the school campus. They looked around and saw Yoshi with some of his friends looking at them. "Where is Junkyu? I tried contacting him but his phone is switched off." he asked walking over to them.

"He has a toothache and won't be coming today- that's what his sister told us." Jeongwoo replied while Haruto was silently staring at Yoshi remembering the small rumor he happened to overhear. 

The rest of the day was too boring for Haruto. All he could think was if Junkyu was alright. The thoughts keeping him from focusing on the lecture the teacher was giving- it was not like he would've listened any way.


Junkyu had woken up around dawn with his tooth hurting like hell. Luckily, it wasn't that rare for him to have toothaches so he had some medicine prepared in his drawer to ease the pain. It did help him a bit but the rest of the night he couldn't sleep at all.

The morning came and Mrs. Kim who happened to find out about the hurting tooth quickly told Mr. Kim to take him to the Dentist once the clinic opens- which was pretty late- around 10 a.m. meaning that he would have to skip school for the day. He looked for his phone to message his friends but then realized he forgot to charge it yesterday and now it was dead.

It was currently the lunch break and Jeongwoo and Haruto were heading towards their usual eating spot. "Are you gonna visit Junkyu after school?" Haruto asked Jeongwoo who seemed to hesitate answering the question. "I don't know if I can.." He replied with a frown on his face.

"Ah.. I thought we could go together." Haruto said in a sulking manner. "Haruto, do you really like Kyu?" Jeongwoo asks out of nowhere. "Of course I do, I mean- who wouldn't? Why do you ask?" He answered looking at Jeongwoo getting suspicious. 'Jeongwoo has been acting strange lately'- he thought.

"Then what if someone else likes him?" That made Haruto even more suspicious of where the conversation was going. " I mean it is reasonable that someone would fall for him. But you know, I am not the type to back off so quickly." He said with full confidence.

"What if that someone is me?" That made Haruto spit out his coke on the floor. Fortunately, not dropping it on his school uniform. "Yah! W-what do you mean?" he said coughing because of what he just did.

"I know you like  Kyu, but so do I. I don't know how you are gonna take this but I am not gonna back off too." He stated looking everywhere except at Haruto. "What do you mean? And why didn't you tell me this before?" Haruto asked still processing what is happening right now.

"Don't you get it? Ah- right you're the oblivious-as-ever Haruto Watanabe right?" He replies clearly pissed off at how his friend was behaving.

"Jeongwoo-yah can you at least please explain properly?"

"I used to like you.. DON'T YOU GET IT ALREADY?" Jeongwoo said startling Haruto. Clearly- It was too much information on a single day for him to process. But the used didn't go unnoticed by Haruto. "What do you mean used to like? Jeongwoo-yah please calm down." He said in an attempt to calm him down.

"I don't think there is much to explain Haruto. I liked you before but you never noticed, that's all." 

"Are you that sure that I didn't notice?"


TMI:  My tooth is hurting right now and since I needed a reason for Junkyu to skip school and he had toothaches too I decided to add it here😃😃

What do you think Haruto meant? What will be the result of all these?

To find out- Keep reading! See you in the next update<3

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