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Harrys POV

I woke up in my single bed with Louis snuggled behind me. I couldn't believe last nights events and the fact that i had kissed my best friend. Wow, me kissing best friends was becoming a pattern.

I checked the time on my watch. 9.30am.

I slide out from under the duvet covers and leave Louis there to sleep and then i go and look in my wardrobe for something to wear today. I had a job in the pub Company where i work. A gay bar. How on topic...

I take out black jeans and a black t-shirt and i lay it on the end of the bed.

I briefly clean my room and i can hear mum and Gemma arguing downstairs.

I notice that Louis was slowly waking up.

"morning sunshine" he mumbles.

I smile.

"Morning Louis" i smile down at him.

I couldn't believe Louis and I had kissed last night. I had no idea what it meant for us as friends or as a couple but i was nervous yet excited to find out.

"What's the outfit for ? Why you up so early?" He says quietly rubbing his blue eyes.

"I have to do something with mum and Gem and then i have work later"

"Can i come to work with you?" He smiles up at me as he's tangled in the white bed sheets.

I laugh and shrug.

"I'm only gonna be singing a few songs and then getting a pint or two and then go home"

He smiles.

"I still wanna come"

"Fine. You can come, we still have alot of shit to talk about anyway" i mumble as he hops out of bed.

"Yay!!" He smiles as he stands up in just his little black boxers, i look down at them and take my head up just as quick and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm gping for a shower, let me borrow your clothes when i get out?" Louis smiles as he makes his way to the bathroom happily about to start the shower.That was the thing about Louis. He felt at home everywhere and he made everywhere else feel at home..


Louis had went home hours ago and i had done the few bits i needed to do at home with Mum and Gemma and as we came back from the grocery shop, mum dropped me to work.

"You and Lou are good recently aren't you?" She smiles as she beeps another car on the road.

I laugh, mothers always had a 6th sense when it came to relationships and friendships.

"What! I can't help but notice that you are! Especially when i have a little brown haired man running to use my shower in them little black boxers!"

"Mum!" I scold her embarrassed that she was talking about Louis like that.

"God he'd give anyone heart palpitations!"

I blush.

"Aren't we lucky our Gemma has a boyfriend and he has a lovely, little girlfriend. Otherwise they'd be all over each other!"

I felt my face drop. Mum still thought Louis liked girls. Everyone still thought Louis liked girls. His girlfriend still thought he liked girls...

"Yeah we are"i mumble. My attitude had changed so quickly after hearing that simple sentence just as we pulled up outside work. Mum sensed my mood change but said nothing about it.

"Do need me to pick you up after work love?" She smiles as i shut the car door.

"Nope i have a lift home, i'm staying at a friends" i smile fakely as i wave her off and make my way into my job.

I sigh as i walk in to the bustling bar. Filled with couples, mainly gay couples but there was the odd straight ones there.

I see my boss Syd, come running at me.

"Hello Harry" she smiles sweetly. She had short black hair and dark blue eyes.

"Hey Syd.. how long till i can set up?" I smile asking the young woman.

She takes out her phone from her pocket.

"It's 6.30pm now, so around 15 minutes and be ready for your set at 7?" She smiles.

I nod my head to signify yes as she pats me on the arm and scurries off to look after the rest of the nights entertainment services.

The pub was dimly lit and had low lights on the stage where i performed. Thats what i liked about it. It was lowkey. It wasn't in your face. Everyone was accepting of who you were and where you came from. I respected that

I order myself a pint of beer from the bar and sit down at a table in the corner and flip through my music notes

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I order myself a pint of beer from the bar and sit down at a table in the corner and flip through my music notes.

I look at my song list and hun the tune of each to myself.

"What will i play" i mumble quietly.

I could only sing 7 songs per night. It was always hard trying to decide what type of songs to sing whether they'd be about love, some classics, some heartbreak ones, some happy ones. You never really get to judge your audiences reactions till about your 4th or 5th song and by then, my setlist was nearly over.

I decide to go with some positive songs for tonight to uplift the bars spirits. I take a sip from my pint and i look up to see Louis walking across the floor with a pint in his hands and a bag of crisps.

"Sorry, don't mind me crisps, never got to eat me dinner" he laughs as he sits down.

"Hi" i smile laughing as i shut my journal and put it in my bag.

"What was that?" Louis asks sipping his pint leaving a froth mark above his upper lip.

I quickly lick my thumb and wipe it off for him.

"Thanks" he blushes..

"Um.. no problem.. and uh..my l-lyrics.." i mumble quietly.

Louis smiles.

"Can't wait to hear them Styles" he smirks.

"Are they about me?" He adds and i laugh and blush.

"Not yet sunshine.. not yet" i smirk just as Syd calls me to go set up and get ready to perform..

Authors Note

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