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Harry's POV

He sat opposite me on the train. His black tracksuit bottoms were tucked into his black converse. His feet were either side of my thighs, it was like i was trapped between his legs. I was his for the trip, and his only.

There was a strange silence on the train. It actually wasn't necessarily silent, there were plenty of people chattering in other carriages, just ours had a peaceful atmosphere as I sat and pondered my thoughts thinking of the times ahead of me with Louis.

I was still a 19 year old virgin. I had been kissed now. By Bee first and then Louis but i knew in my heart and soul i'd always count Louis as my first and only kiss. The thoughts of possibly having sex in the coming days with Louis was thrilling. Getting it on for the first time would be exciting no matter who it was with but knowing this was gonna be gay sex was even more exciting. I had always watched porn growing up but it had only been of Women and men together, not separately . That's what i thought i was into at the time, how wrong was i...

My thoughts had just triggered a question i wanted to ask Louis.

"Have you ever watched Gay Porn? You know, 2 men having sex?" I blurted out. Fuck. I shouldn't have said that so blunt and loudly.

He looks up at me, flushed and embarrassed , so, he laughs a little.

"Er yeah.. and keep your voice down Styles" he mumbles with a smirk.

"Sorry" i whisper back.

He looks at me.

"Should i ask why you thought of this question to ask me or should i just presume your thinking of sex with me?" Louis smirks.

God he was so full of himself. But thats what i loved..... liked... about him.

"Just presume" i mumble back.

He smirks and slips his hand under the table and rubs my thigh. And taps it. Twice.

"Cigarette Please"

I look at him completely and utterly baffled.

"We're on public transport?" I blurt out.

He laughs and rolls his eyes and looks ag me pleadingly.

I reluctantly hand him a cigarette and watch him light it up on board our train. He places it between his two lips and lights it up.

"If you get us kicked off this train i swear to god" i mumble.

The words had only left my mouth and then the no smoking light lit up in our carriage as Louis exhaled the smoke.

The train pulls to a sudden halt at a nearby station.

I look out the carriage window and watch an inspector walk towards our carriage.

"Fuck Louis, blow that smoke out" i say quickly. My heart was going 100beats a minute.

Louis taps the cigarette under the table to extinguish it and the inspector pulls open our carriage doors.

"Out you get boys. We know theres been smoking in here, it reeks of it and your no smoking sign is still alight"

"We didn't mean no harm please" i beg.

He shakes his head.

"You put some of our passengers at risk. Now grab your bags from the over head lockers and i'll wait for you at the doors.

Louis rolls his eyes and grabs both of our bags and hands me mine as we quickly wheel them down the train embarrassed of everyone staring at us as we exit the train.

"Do better next time, boys" the old man says as he locks the train door leaving me and Louis standing on a platform in the middle of nowhere.

"What the fuck do we do now?" Louis smirks.

I frown and shake my head.

What the fuck do we do now..

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