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unknown number: hello
harry:what do u want
unknown number: i want u
harry: huh
unknown number:i miss u harry
harry:okay this is weird who tf is fucking with me?
louis: lol hi sorry its me Lou
harry:Jesus christ louis i was scared
louis: ha ha! You should be scared of me😼
harru:yeah alright. bye poshie.

The Weekend.

"HARRY HAVE YOU GOT YOUR CASE? Put in the trunk please Harry, thank you" Lauren shouts.

I slump all the way down to Lauren.

I put my case in the trunk of the bus.

"Thanks Haz"

"No problemo Panda" i smile as i walk into the bus. Isabella,Louis,Mattie,Millie and Niall were in one corner and Zayn,Talia,Lauren and Liam were in another corner.

I flopped down beside Bee.

"Hi harry how are you?" She says as she takes out her earphones.

"Im good bee,how are you babe?"

"All good here thank you Haz" she says resting her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her.

"Is that your lady?" Louis asks me while Bee closes her eyes and listens to the loud songs on her phone.


"Oh" Louis says confused

"Shes my best friend" i answer again and Louis nods humming and singing a song quietly.

"Your a good singer" i say with a smirk

"Oh shut up simping for me Styles"

I rolled my eyes. Louis kept bugging me the whole bus ride asking stupid pointless questions.

"How many girls have you slept with?"

"Too many"i answer tiredly replying to my mums worried texts.

"Hm ive slept with 4"

"Thats good for you Lou"

Louis rolls his eyes

"Why you so pissy?" He asks confused

"Im not pissy" i answer back smartly.

"Mattie is Harry in a mood?" Louis asks Matilda and she laughs.

"Yeah he has a weird vibe to him i dont know whats wrong"

"Ha! In your face Styles" Louis smirks

"Whatever Posh Boy" Harry laughs

"HARRY IM FROM DONCASTER. HOW IS THAT POSH? YOUR FROM HOLMES CHAPEL MATE. Come back to me when you from East London mate" Louis says with a roll of his eyes.

"Sorry Lou i was only playing" i frown at the man.

"Whatever"he says pouting.

I frown and look at Bee sleeping on my shoulder and i kiss her forehead. Bee and i were best firends. She was like my little sister. I think we kissed once, when we were like 16. But it was awful, so we have been best friends ever since.

"Right in Bedroom 1 its gonna be Zayn and Talia,Bedroom 2 its gonna be Niall,Millie,Me and Lauren.Bedroom 3 Mattie and Louis and finally bedroom 4-"

"NOT A CHANCE IM SHARING WITH MATTIE NO WAY." Louis shouts on the bus causing other people to turn around and look at us.

"Louis shh" i laugh

"Im sharing with Harry. Theres no way me and Mattie are sharing. Shes filthy" Louis says looking at Matilda and she hits Louis


"Louis relax" Liam says

"Harry and Louis are you okay to share then Bee and Mattie?"

The two girls nod and i sigh, realising i was going to be stuck with his toxic ass all weekend.

"Yeah thats fine Daddy" i smirk and louis turns too look at me raising his brow.

"Daddys his nickname " i laugh and Louis realises and laughs and calls him daddy too.


"Right well go explore the house everyone em.. im gonna order us food is everyone okay with nandos?" Liam and Lauren asks

"Yeah thats good for me" i call

"Me too" Louis shouts aswel as the rest of the group

Louis and i walk and look for our room.

"This is it i think" i say as i push the bedroom door open. It was a white and grey bedroom where there was only a double bed

"Guess your sleeping on the floor so" Louis laughs and jumps on the bed

"Louis seriously" i say rolling my eyes.

"No im only playing hazza. Yes you can sleep but dont touch me."

"Don't worry i wouldn't want to" i laugh

"Right well glad thats discussed now come here and give me a hug"

I walked over to Louis and opened my arms

"Ha you thought wrong Styles" he smirks

I roll my eyes. Slightly disappointed my new friend kept teasing me. Oh well. Guess id have to deal with his bants.


After hours of laughter and eating food in the bnb. Everyone made there way to bed.

"Im going to change in the bathroom" i say rubbing my eyes.

Louis looks at me funnily.

"Mate you can change in here like. Do you sleep in different boxers or something that your gonna whip your dick out?"

"No?" I laugh

"Oh so your going to have a wank" Louis smirks

"For fucks sake Louis i didn't know if you would be comfortable or not with me stripping down so i was gonna go get into tracksuit bottoms off Niall" i say annoyed.

"Harry i was only-"

"Save it Louis" i said angrily pulling my skinny jeans off

I get into bed and pull the duvet right over me and i turned to f/ce the door so i wouldn't be facing Louis getting changed.

"Harry.." Louis whispers as he gets under the duvet.

"please dont say anything louis"

He scoots up behind me and takes position of big spoon and wraps his arms around me.

"I didn't mean to upset you mate. Im sorry" he whispers as i drift off to sleep.

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