Chapter 5 Meeting

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Chapter 5 Meeting

Dawn POV. 

I groan again and take a seat at the kitchen table where mom has placed the dinner she has made for every one in front of me. It looks amazing and delicious but I don't know if I can eat all of this. 

Mom sits in front of me and asks, "Severus had told me that you had gotten sick a couple times when you were out, how do you feel now honey?” 

“I feel way better than before, just tired of course. But also very excited for tomorrow morning,” I said, grabbing the fork and taking my first bit of food. “Hmm this is really good mom, thank you,” I said, covering my mouth with my hands as I spoke to her. 

Her sad expression changed to a happy expression and a big smile forms onto her face, “Thank you dear now eat up I'll be right back” she said. I nod my head “Ok.”

I watch her get up and leave me here. I move back to my plate of food and start to slowly eat the spaghetti and garlic bread quietly and alone. It was only a few seconds before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I rub my left collarbone. 


Third person pov. 

Dawn's heart stops and then speeds up as fast as she is startled by her older twin brother walking into the kitchen and yelling her name out of nowhere. Her hand lost the grip of her fork and it fell onto her lap and then onto the ground making a mess, “Uhh.. come on Ron!” she groans out. 

She stands up quickly and stumbles back before she falls onto her ass two arms cought her. Right away as these two arms made contact with her body a big spark went through her and the person who held her up from falling to the ground. 

Dawn looks up to see who saved her to see someone she has never seen or met before, her eyes go big and she quickly pushes up and gets out of his arms. She turns around and looks at him with a flaming red face, “Sorry, thank you for catching me though” she said, stuttering a bit. She scratches her collarbone again. 

“Harry, this is my little twin sister Dawn. Dawn met Harry Potter” Ron said, walking and standing beside his sister. 

Dawn's eyes went bigger than before when it clicked in her head. 

“Hi” Harry said with an awkward wave at her and a small sheepish smile on his face. Harry Potter couldn't be any happier right now, happier than the time he found out that he was a wizard at age eleven. He rubs a bit harder on the stinging pain that is on his left collarbone where his soulmark is, first it was itchy and now there is a burning and stinging pain on his soulmark and that means that he has met his soulmate. 

Harry Potter was her soulmate, her older twin brother's best friend is her soulmate, she couldn't believe it. She was happy and shocked at the same time, “Hi” she quietly and shyly said to him. She does the same thing he did and waves at him. 

Ron laughs beside his sister. His eyes land onto his sister's garlic bread, her last garlic bread, he smirks and quickly reaches down and grabs it. 


Dawn spun around quickly and tried to reach for it before he bit it, but she was too late, “Ugh Ron!” she groaned out loudly and Ron was quickly gone and back up the stairs in the safety of his room. 

She crosses her arms over her chest and slumps back down on her seat with a pout on her face, “That was my last piece and my favorite part” she grumbles out. 

Harry smiles and chuckles to himself. He walks deeper into the kitchen to see her face again, he bits his lip as he lets the accepting pull-pull their bonds together. 

There are two accepted. The first would be the mentally acceptance of each other, accepting the soulbonds between each other. With the accepting there is also the rejecting part of this, they can reject each other if they wanted to but it is very rarely for soulmates to reject each other. Why would they want to lose something that literally means the world to them? Soulmates can fight for their soulmates to connect their soulbonds together and when they do fight for it to be connected it can hurt, it can hurt very bad but when they do accept the pain will go away and a nice happy feeling forms between them. 
The second part that fully-fully connects them would be… doing it, having sex, some intimet time with each other but, BUT that part the second time doens’t have to happen until years later. 

The concept of soulmates is that they will love you and only you for the rest of their lives. Any other person they look at doesn't even reach how much they look at their soulmate. They think of each other as their world, their other held, there everything, no one matters as much as their soulmate does to them. Soulmates know each other more than anyone else.

It does and doesn't help that with accepting their bonds that they get a level of feeling their soulmate emotions meaning that if their soulmate is happy they can feel how happy they are, if they are sad they can feel it… they… when they can feel their soulmate's emotions they can feel everything, everything. 

Both Dawn and Harry never wanted to reject their soulmate so when they both fought to connect the soulbonds it didn't take long for the pain to go away and a nice feeling fill their bodies. 

Dawn's eyes follow her soulmate, he sits in front of her with a big goofy smile on his face. Her cheeks heat up as her eyes land onto his and he chuckles at her cute expression. "Ron's going to kill me." 

Dawn giggles and looks down to her food, “Yeah… he is” she said slowly looking up to him again with a grin on her face.

I hope you like it. 
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors. 
You may request any one shot.
This is what I write for.
The list 

Spiderman (All Movies, all Spidermans), Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Venom, X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man. 

Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans. 

Anime shows. 
Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, The Host Club, Yuri on ice, RWBY, Haikyuu!!, Demon Slayer 

Animation shows (that don't know where to place) 

How to Train Your Dragon 1, 2, 3 and series, trollhunters tales of arcadia, 3 below tales of arcadia, wizards tales of arcadia.  

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra. 

Tv Shows.
Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 

The Hobbit, Marvel, DC, Joker 

You can request whenever you want and as much as you want. I will try to get every single one written for you. I may not do some and that would be either I can't see myself being able to write it or it makes me uncomfortable. 
I don't judge. 
BUT I only write for Female readers or OC, not Male readers or OC.
I write x readers. GirlxGirl, MenxGirl. 
Again I DON'T write for Male x readers or oc.

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