Chapter 6 Waking up and meeting

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Note: I have stated this in my Note chapter and small notes before but I'm going to say it again. I'm following the movie then the book. Yes in the books his eyes are green but in the movies they are blue. So I'm not wrong when I write blue so dont come at me. 
I will also like to add that Harry in the books has black hair and in the movies I'm going as black even though Danille has brown hair because his brown hair by lighting and how the sun hits it can look black. When I watch the movies I consider his hair black and not brown. 

Chapter 6 Waking up and meeting 

Third person pov. 

Dawn grabs her cup of water again ad bring it up to her lips, before she took a sip of the cool water she spoke, “But then again Ron doesn't need to know yet” she takes a small sip and swallows it before pulling it away from her lips slightly to speak again, “I think the others would kill you too though… if they found out" she adds on. Her cup goes back to her lips and she takes small sips of the cool water.

Her eyes stay locked onto his crystle blue eyes that makes her get lost in them everytime. Harry was worried and not worried for the Weasley to find out that he is the soulmate of their first daughter. He knew Ron wasn't going to be a big fan of it since Ron doesn't like any guy around his younger sick twin sister, he is very protective and wouldn't care if it is Harry that is his little twin sister's soulmate, he would still be angry at him. But he is like eighty-seven percent sure he knows that Molly and Aurther aren't going to be that mad at him since they like him already. He’s already part of the family. 

… “Who would ever accept you” … 

Harry frowns and looks away from his soulmate eyes to the table. He was told multiple times by his aunt, uncle and cousin that his soulmate would never accept him, love him or care for him and he slowly started to believe them up until now.  

She had seen his expression change and got worried, “What's wrong?” she asks him worriedly. She places her cup down. 

He looks back up to her with a sad happy smile on his face again, "I-I don't know.... I just always thought my soulmate would reject me" he mumbles out. 

She was taken back by his answer. Why would he think that? She thinks to herself. 

She stared at him for a few seconds before she got up from her spot and walked around the table to him. He quickly got up when he saw her coming towards him. She looks up to him with a big smile that melts his heart. Her smile made his knees go weak, butterflies fluttered in his stomach and his hands got sweaty fast. 

Harry smiles slightly down at her, confused on what she is doing. She takes a small step to him and wraps her arms around his waist and hugs him tightly to her. 

Time skip - next morning

Dawn POV. 

I smile forms on my face before my eyes open. I have found my soulmate… that… I… could.. HAVE… MET… SOONER if I wasn't sick all the time or sick at all. Before he had left the kitchen last night and without my mom seeing he kissed my forehead and then left for Ron's room with a goofy smile on his face. 

A knock comes to my door and I push up on my elbows as the door opens and my mom's head pops in, “Honey you up yet? Oh you are. How did you sleep?” she asked me. 

I nod my head, “Good morning mom, I slept all good” I said pushing up and yawning big. “How did you sleep?” I ask her as I crawl off my bed and stand in front of her. “Drink up,” she said. 

I groan and take the small jar and open the cap of it, “I slept well my dear. Everyone is still asleep, you want to help me make breakfast?” she asked me. I take the potion and nod my head as I try not to throw it up, “Yeah I'll just get changed first” 

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