chapter 3

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"Remember when androids used to look like halloween masks pulled over a head shaped metal ball?"

Jungwon was getting help from his mother in writing an essay for English and was just about to throw in the towel and call it quits. While he was with her downstairs, it seemed Jungwon was stuck listening to his father enthuse about Jay every couple minutes.

Jungwon's mother hummed in vague agreement with her husband. To Jungwon, she said, "Your argument will be stronger if you cut off the last two sentences in your introduction paragraph."

"Thanks," Jungwon deleted them.

"No, really. It looks just like a real boy. Like-- it could be just another one of Wonie's friends. Put it in some of those flashy pants, and it'd fit right in at the mall."

Jungwon looked up from his laptop to see how Jay was enduring his father's enthusiastic rant. He was enduring it expressionlessly, face blank and hands crossed behind his back. Of course, what had Jungwon expected?

"Jenson's 'bot definitely looked a little... off, you know? Now, this guy--" Jungwon's father prodded Jay's cheek. Jungwon straightened, wondering how Jay would react to being touched. But Jay didn't react. Jungwon slumped back over his laptop again, "--this guy's the real deal. Its skin even feels real."

"His name is Jay," Jungwon called out, half his focus on whatever his father was saying, half of it still on his essay.

"What'd you say, Wonie?"

Jungwon looked up to find his father looking at him. Alarmingly, Jay had also turned to look at him. Jay hadn't even flinched when Jungwon's father had poked him in the face, but he'd looked at Jungwon only after Jungwon had spoken a few words.

"I--," Jungwon cast his eyes away, to his mother. She was looking at him too, eyes narrowed, as if calculating something. He didn't know why what he'd said had been so contentious. "I've been calling him Jay."

Jungwon's father raised his eyebrows and stuck his hands on his hips, "Hmph. Is that so?"Jungwon suddenly felt small, under his father and mother's eyes. It seemed a little childish, to name an android. Like naming a toy, a pet rock, or something.

But Jay looked human, even if he didn't feel things like a person did. It felt equally wrong not to give him a name.

"Yeah, and he seemed okay with it," Jungwon trailed off, looking to Jay for confirmation. Jay nodded, and Jungwon went on, feeling braver with Jay backing him up. "So. I dunno. Maybe you could call him that too?"

Jungwon could practically feel his mother's appraising eyes on him, a prickling sensation. Jungwon's father nodded, expression shifting in an instant back to his normal, easygoing face. He clapped his hand on Jay's shoulder "Alrighty then! Jay it is."

Robots had it too easy, Jungwon decided. It was six in the morning, and he was stuck just going through the motions. He was downing a bowl of cereal mechanically as if he were the real robot, but Jay looked just as good as he had the day before. It was frustrating, to see him looking that good while Jungwon still felt half asleep.

"Do you want me to drive you to school, Jungwon?"

Jungwon, of course, was not far enough removed from slumber to form a proper response.

"You... drive?"

"Of course. I'm capable of performing all tasks necessary to complete household chores."

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