chapter 32

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After Jungwon's idea, Beomgyu had turned to Taehyun and, with a pained look on his face, said, "Isn't Yeonjun's new boyfriend--"

"--Oh my God," as Taehyun caught on to Beomgyu's thread of thought, leaving Jungwon in the dust, his face cleared somewhat. He still looked nauseated, but distractedly so, "Yes. He is. You know, the first time I met him, he asked if I could flash him. Like, my eyes."

"He's a creep," Beomgyu had a touch of anger coloring his tone.

"He's Jay's best bet. Do we know any other compsci majors?"

Jungwon frowned, angling away from Jay towards the two older boys, "You guys know someone who can help?"

Beomgyu paused, as if he'd forgotten Jungwon was there. He visibly schooled his face.

"We might."

Jungwon reminded himself, again, not to get his hopes up. His first hope Taehyun hadn't been able to do much beyond diagnose that Jay wasn't simply reset. He nodded at Beomgyu, feeling raw, frayed.

"Okay. I'm willing to try anything or anyone."

The look Beomgyu gave Taehyun, one of trepidation, would have set off alarms within Jungwon if he weren't already wholly occupied with thinking of Jay.

"Alright. You might have to wait a bit. We have to talk to Yeonjun first," Beomgyu explained.

While Beomgyu and Taehyun took to their phones, Jungwon felt a rush of gratitude for the two of them.

Jungwon hadn't been too close with Beomgyu, not since Beomgyu had graduated high school and left the suburbs behind. And he barely knew Taehyun at all. He'd never spoken to him before.

Yet, there they were, spending their time and effort just to help a strange boy and his stranger 'bot.

Jungwon, meanwhile, had to deal with the reality that Jay's fix wasn't going to be as quick as he had dared to hope. Soon enough, he and Sunghoon would be stuck in rush hour as they tried to get back to their homes, to race back before Jungwon's parents noticed he and Jay's absence.

If they found out he'd taken Jay to get fixed... Jungwon shuddered. He didn't think they'd be angry with him.

Jungwon glanced again at Jay. He feared what would happen to Jay when his parents discovered they weren't home. If he wouldn't just be wiped and emptied, but maybe taken away from Jungwon for good.

"I didn't think it would take this long," Jungwon confessed to Sunghoon, in an undertone. He didn't want his naivety to be overheard by Beomgyu and Taehyun. For some reason, he hadn't considered the possibility that Taehyun wouldn't just magically be able to set Jay right.

Sunghoon understood him, though. He nodded, "What are your parents gonna do, when they come home and you and Jay aren't there?"

"I dunno," Jungwon winced. He glanced at his phone, then looked again at Jay. "I only have, like, an hour 'til I find out, I guess."

Sunghoon's brow furrowed as his expression went from sympathetic to thoughtful.

"I think I have an idea...," he trailed off. Then he bit his lip, peeking at Jungwon, "I think I can buy you the rest of the night. But I might need to let a couple of the guys know, to get their help."

Suddenly, Jungwon understood why Sunghoon looked nervous offering his suggestion. But, Jungwon was far beyond caring if they found out about Jay's non-reset. It would probably make him feel better to not have to hide it from them anymore, anyways.

"I'm game," Jungwon said, "Let's hear it."

Sunghoon's plan was a simple cover up, banking mainly on Jungwon's parents' fondness towards him. He'd lie to them about Jungwon and Jay's whereabouts, and get Sunoo and Ni-ki to aid him in moving Jungwon's car from where it was parked in the student lot at their school.

"Sunghoon," Jungwon stopped Sunghoon, as he stood upright after he'd finished explaining his idea.

He knew that by speaking he'd risk getting Sunghoon off the hook, and making him not want to cover up for Jungwon anymore. But Jungwon couldn't stomach the thought of Sunghoon potentially getting into trouble covering for him, even if they weren't on the best terms.

"What?" Sunghoon asked. He looked ready to go.

"You don't have to do all this just 'cause you feel guilty about flirting with me."

A bright red flush bloomed across Sunghoon's cheeks as he blushed. Jungwon was pretty sure he looked similar. He could feel heat rising to his face just at the mere thought of that disastrous night.

"I'm not doing it because of that ," Sunghoon said, obstinately, his eyes cast firmly downwards.


Sunghoon looked up, holding Jungwon's gaze, a newly determined gleam in his eyes.

"Really. I do still feel bad but, Jungwon. I just... I thought I'd try being a good friend for a change," Sunghoon smiled, sheepishly, and Jungwon felt his face grow even hotter.

He wondered about Sunghoon's choice of words, if Sunghoon had remembered that moment too, "That's all I'm doing here, I swear."

Jungwon nodded. He swallowed, "I believe you."

"Can I go now?" Sunghoon asked, his smile growing into a grin. Not waiting for a response, he started towards the door.

"Yeah, sure, knock yourself out," Jungwon gave permission to thin air, as Beomgyu's apartment door shut closed behind Sunghoon.

Jungwon frowned at the door long after it had closed, wondering if he'd ever stop misjudging Sunghoon. First, the pedestal he'd put him on. Then, the dark light he cast him in based on one drunken, messy night.

"We're in luck. Yeonjun said his friend could help us. He said the guy even has some experience working with 'bots," Beomgyu looked up from his phone, at Jungwon.

Jungwon stood, immediately, drawing up next to where Jay stood.

"He can help?" Jungwon felt a little lighter, like a miniscule portion of the weight on his chest had been lifted off. He didn't know whether to be grateful for the bit of levity, or not. He already knew it wouldn't get his hopes up.

"Yeah. There's a catch, though," Beomgyu frowned, as he glanced back at his phone,

"Yeonjun's friend wants us to go to him."

— the end of chapter 32 ♡

can you guess who yeonjun's
friend could be? :0

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