chapter 39

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Jungwon felt his heart sink. Jay didn't remember. He didn't know Jungwon, nor what they'd had before.

"I'm-- ow! What was that for?" Soobin's reply and indignant outburst came.

"He wasn't asking you." Beomgyu's voice, aggrieved.

"That's correct," Jay stood, and crouched. He extended a hand to Jungwon.

Jungwon took it, face heating as Jay pulled him up and off the ground.

"I'm sorry if that causes offense," Jay glanced at the older boys briefly, before turning back to Jungwon. He was still holding Jungwon's hand. Jungwon could focus on little else beyond Jay's hand in his.

"Nah, it's cool. You're good," Yeonjun rushed to assure him.

Beomgyu coughed, "Do you think we should, uh, give them some space?"

Jungwon didn't know whether he felt relieved or terrified, at the prospect of being alone with Jay. The only thing he knew was his heart was threatening to burst, from how rapidly it was beating.

"Yes. Take your time, kids!" Taehyun said, prompting Jungwon to duck his head to hide his blush.

"Do we have to leave? He only just woke up!" Soobin whined, splaying his hands wide, turning begging eyes to Yeonjun, Taehyun, and Beomgyu in turn.

"Yeah," Beomgyu started stuffing Soobin's things back in his messenger bag, "We're going. Now."

"Your friends are fascinating," Jay observed, as the older boys dragged Soobin from the room. He peered closely at Jungwon, "But, to be honest, you fascinate me even more."

Jay released Jungwon's hand, probably long after he ought to have done so.

Jungwon felt the lasting warmth from Jay's touch like a sunburn in the wake of standing in the sun. The sound of the wooden door sliding shut behind the older boys was loud. It echoed in the empty lab.

"I do?" Jungwon asked, still caught up on how Jay's hand held felt. He already felt warmer than he had felt to the touch when he was the blank Jay. But not overwarm.

Jay nodded, his eyes wide. Inexplicably, he lifted his hand to his chest, to the center, where his chip lay. "Yes. Have we met before?"

Jungwon took a measured breath, mindful of the dangerous hopeful trajectory his thoughts were headed towards. Jay recognized him, but he didn't remember him. Soobin had said he might never remember.

Jungwon shut his eyes, hard, because looking at Jay was confusing enough without Jay looking back at him-- like Jungwon was a riddle he needed to unravel. He opened his eyes, and nodded.

"We know each other," Jungwon started, but that was half wrong. That was the past. He corrected himself, aching, "Knew each other. But then you... got your memory reset."

That wasn't exactly what had happened, as Jungwon had found out. But he didn't want to inform Jay that he'd just narrowly escaped a lobotomy so soon after Jay had woken up.

"Was I your android?" Jay asked, a dimple appearing between his brows as they knitted together.

"Yeah, Jay. You were."

Jay blinked. Once, twice. In between blinks, his eyes lit up.

"Jay... that's my name?"

Jungwon nodded. Every question Jay asked that he should've already known the answer to made his heart ache. But Jungwon was powerless to stop the fluttery, hopeful feeling rising within him. Maybe it didn't matter if Jay didn't remember. Maybe it would be enough that Jay had the ability to make memories anew.

"It is," Jungwon bit his lip, looking up at Jay, "and I'm Jungwon."

"Oh. Hello, Jungwon," Jay's lips curled into a smile, as he tried out Jungwon's name.

Jungwon felt his heart clench at the sight. Jay was already smiling. He'd just woken up moments ago, and he was smiling.

"Hey, Jay," Jungwon didn't know whether he felt more like laughing or crying. Probably both at once. He settled for a smile, a grin that was more than a little wobbly.

At that moment, Jungwon decided Jay would never lose another memory. He'd never forget anything, from that instance on. Jungwon would talk to his parents, he'd convince them-- but, God, he couldn't think of how to go about that.

Jungwon felt his smile falter. He supposed he could talk to them about the person who had 'fixed' Jay for them, and the legality of that person's methods. Maybe his parents desire not to break laws would outweigh their desire to see Jay emotionless, blank.

"You look upset. Is something wrong?" Jay asked, concern coloring his tone.

"Kinda," Jungwon said, honestly. As Jay's smile started to slip from his face, Jungwon rushed to explain, "But it's okay! It's getting better," He held Jay's gaze, amazed how at the spectrum of emotions Jay had already shown, "I'm getting better."

— the end of chapter 39 ♡

the long-awaited chapter is finally published !

sorry to those who were saddened by the previous chapter. i got a little teary-eyed too 🥲

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