chapter 4

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"Can I talk to khun Tine alone?" Sarawat asks and Tine's eyes widen. They are sitting in Mike's office and about to wrap the meeting up.

"You see it's a part of my working style" he says putting on a professional mask, "I need to know what are expectations of both the parties regarding the wedding before we start anything. I make sure I get honest opinions from both without having the other's idea imposed on them."

Tine rolls his eyes. As much as he hates to admit it, Sarawat actually has his ways. Earth nods but Tine refuses saying he is okay with all that Earth wants to do.

"Aww" Sarwat says, "you two are so cute."

Earth laughs and Tine glares at Sarawat. He realises that may be they do need to talk before he slips more into madness.

"What???" Tine hisses as soon as they get into Sarawat's office.

Sarawat sits on his chair and breaks into laughter.

"I can't believe this!" He says, "finally my job is paying."

Tine sits in a chair before sighing, "of all the wedding planners in Bangkok, Earth had to choose you."

"I'm sure he will have the same thing to say to me."

And then, he mimicks Earth's tone, "of all the men in Bangkok, Tine had to sleep with you."

Tine swears he is a nice man and murdering a guy who's not even worth his time is probably not the wisest decision so he stands up.

He smiles annoyingly, "thanks for adding to all the wonderful things that are already happening in my life."

Sarawat's eyes soften and he stops laughing, although his face is still screaming how greatly is he enjoying the scenario.

He clears his throat, "alright. I'll stop it, for now."

Tine rolls his eyes, "is that all?"

"No" he says, "I actually wanted to know if you have any other opinion or suggestions about the wedding? I need to know what is being expected out of me."

Tine shakes his head in a no.

"Nothing that you want?"

"Nope. Can I go now?"

Sarawat nods. Tine walks out but before he reaches the threshold, he remembers something and turns around to find Sarawat searching for something in his desk.

He bites his lips shyly, "right. Just one thing."

Sarawat's eyes are dragged back to Tine's and after a second, he nods in an understanding and smiles, for the first time today without being annoying.

"Even if you hadn't asked me, I wasn't planning on telling anybody."

Tine nods gratefully. May be, Sarawat was indeed a jerk but can be considerate when needed. He turns back and as he steps out of the office, he hears Sarawat saying something about it being more fun without anybody knowing.

"Saraleo..." Tine whispers.


"Alright" Sarawat says as everybody gathers in the hall, sitting on the sofas while Sarawat stands in the middle like some coach of a cricket team. Tine still wonders how did Sarawat manage to mingle so well with his family within two days. He gets now why Mike said Sarawat was the best at field work, considering how good he is with people. His ways were both, professional and personal to the family he deals with.

"The reason I have asked all of you to be here is because I want each one of you to be actively involved in the preparations that I will be handling."

Everybody nods and Tine frowns. This does not look like his family. The family he knows has never agreed on the same thing ever before and if has (by some random luck of the universe), it involves a lots and lots of tears and fights and drama. THIS...This looks like a bunch of children agreeing intently to whatever their favourite teacher is saying.

"Good" Sarawat smiles, "we have two weeks and three major events - a big party for making the wedding official, dance night just for the families and the wedding.."

"Dad.." Tine whines.

"We can't not have a proper announcement. It will be absurd." Mr. Teepakorn says.

"But it's exaggerating. We will give invitations anyway."

He shrugs, "Pirapats said they want to have an announcement before."

Tine scoffs, "well, tell them Teepakorns don't want it. Big deal?"

"Tine" Mr. Phum says irritatingly, "stop being a child about everything. It's not about them or us. You have to think about both the families now."

Tine blinks and nods slowly. He watches his mother who purses her lips apologetically.

"Okay." He says in a small voice.

Mr. Phum's phone buzzes and he excuses himself, saying he needs to take the call.

Tine's eyes return back to his feet and he does not miss how Sarawat is looking at him. Is he concerned? Is he pitying him?

"Ahem" Pear says, "does anybody else feel the pressure of saying something funny?"

Grandma snickers while Fong hits her head.

"Alright" Sarawat says, catching everybody's attention, excluding Tine's who's still fiddling with this fingers.

"The party is in four days and my team will make sure it's anything but those boring, glittery parties rich people throw."

Fong laughs, "We are those rich people you're talking about."

Sarawat clicks his tongue, causing a laughter in the hall.

He flips the pages and continues nonchalantly, "by today evening, I expect Fong to give me an estimate of total number of guests. Aunty will give me the list of cuisines she expects to be on menu. Pear will give me a tour to the venue. And Tine.."

Tine raises his head to see eveybody looking at Sarawat who's looking at Tine.

"I want you to tell me how you want this party to be like. Your preference is my priority."

Tine blinks and he realises he hasn't really learned how to react in situations like these. It feels like a lifetime ago when his choices were actually asked for. So he simply nods, feeling absurd at how difficult it feels to say no to Sarawat right now.

"One more question" Pear says, raising her hand, "what colour turns you on, black or red?"

Fong shrieks, "jeez Pear! You have a boyfriend."

She shrugs, "what? I need to know what colour I am wearing at the party."

Sarawat winks at Pear and Tine shakes his head before walking out of the hall.


Tine hears Sarawat's voice from behind and his eyes widen. He leaves flushed, trying hard to convince himself that it's just a coincidence that he is wearing a blue sweatshirt right now.


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