chapter 5

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It's been half an hour since Tine has started speaking and as much as Sarawat wants to interrupt him because they have gone far away from the topic of marriage, he can't help listen to him talking. Tine doesn't seem to talk much and Sarawat has an idea by now, that the wedding is not as smooth as it should be. Not for Tine. Tine began by telling him he had a diary when he was ten years old in which he used to write about his wedding with all the imaginary perfect characters in his head. That was the closest he talked about the marriage. As of now, if Sarawat has counted correctly, Tine is speaking about the thirteenth imaginary character, Iyuk, who marries him on a mermaid's back when she was sleeping. Sarawat wonders if he can exploit that information in the party two days later.

"And then, there was Ernim, a girl who used to live in a frog's.."

"I got it. I got it" Sarawat says, flailing his hands, "Let's talk about something else for a change?"

Tine blushes sheepishly, "I'm sorry I got carried away. Was it too boring?"

Sarawat sighs and shakes his head in a no.

He says, "no it wasn't. I want to keep listening to you, really."

Tine pretends it's the black pepper in the noodles that is making his heart somersault in his chest.

"But" Sarawat speaks, "we are running out of time. So I guess we could talk about anything you want to add or eliminate from the party. You've seen the preparations right?"

Tine nods half heartedly.

"It's all good, really. Your company is actually great. No wonder you suck money out of our blood. "

Sarawat grins, "you know I'm good at sucking a lot other things as well."

Tine's ears start blazing and he feels his trousers tighten as the memory of that night run down his mind.

"What the fuck Gunthithanon!" He shrieks to which Sarawat laughs.

"You know" he says, "when Earth called you baby that day in our office, I thought you wanted to have a threesome with your boyfriend and me. And I thought what could be worse than that."

Tine's elbows are placed at the table as he covers his face with his palms. This man has no idea when and what to speak, does he?

"This is worse than that." Tine muffles without taking his hands off his face which must have become deepest shade of scarlet by now.

Sarawat laughs.


Tine is sitting at a pedstal while staring openly at Sarawat who looks sizzling in his black sleevless hoodie and jeans, instructing the workers near the stage area and then, flirting with one of the caretakers of the farm.  Tine wonders how does Sarawat do it, being so professional when he steps in the work and being so idly nagging when he gets free. In any case, Tine is thankful that Sarawat listens to his opinions and not only about the wedding, about anything really. Tine insisted to visit the venue in the afternoon and he was relieved when everybody thought may be he was getting into the marriage thing, gradually. Was he? Tine wonders. He only knows that with Sarawat, he doesn't feel as suffocated. He feels its annoying how that saraleo teases him and yet, he never offends him. Everytime Tine feels that way, he makes sure he calls Earth and talks to him. He doesn't know why he does that. May be it's better that way, not knowing. However, Earth seems quite busy with the wedding too. After all, they all have to leave for Naka island resort the two days after the announcement party.

Right now, Tine has come to see the updates at the farmhouse now that the party was only one day away. He is reconsidering the idea as he watches tiny beads of sweat shimmering at Sarawat's forehead and down his adam's apple. He watches him lick his lips and something happens to his knees. He cannot decide what was worse, to sleep with Sarawat the night he got engaged or to accept him as his wedding planner? In any case, Tine knows one thing for sure as he sees Sarawat fixing the caretaker's hair behind her ear before she gives him her number - the thoughts that are bothering him a little in day and a lot in nights are apparently not even touching Sarawat at all.

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