chapter 13 🔞

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The dance night was lit and as ridiculous as it sounds, Pear thinks they should often marry once in while if this is the fun that comes with it. Tine doesn't see Sarawat at the dinner and after he said goodnight to Earth, he tries to convince his friends to gather in the garden, hoping that somebody would call Sarawat as well. However, his mother refuses saying he should sleep early as tomorrow, he needs to look fresh on his wedding. Tine doesn't like hearing the word and may be he has never liked it in six months, but now he just can't stand it. They decide to hang out in Tine's room till midnight as Fong cries that Tine will not remain his brother anymore. Tine figures now is not the time to make his dramatic brother understand the concept of wedding but Pear is different. She smacks Fong's head and tells him this is not how marriages work. Fong pulls her hair, she spills water on his shirt. As Tine thinks to shout, the door opens in a slam.

"Ow Sarawat?" Pear says, peeping through stands of her hair on her face, "it's midnight. What are you doing here?"

Tine's eyes widen as he sees Sarawat, who is surprised himself as he stammers and finally says something about checking if everyone is back from the lawn before storming out of the room.

Pear frowns before they start fighting again.

"Okay stop!" Tine screams, dragging them outside his room, "go before I call the police."

They leave. Tine jumps towards the mirror. He gulps and nods hysterically, convinced that he looks fine enough. Taking his jacket and phone, he switches the lampshade on before closing the door.

Sarawat opens the door.

"Hi" Tine says, grinning, "checking if everybody's in their rooms?"

Sarawat pulls him in.


A/n : mature content ahead

Tine is pinned against the door and sharp as the push was, he doesn't mind because Sarawat is kissing him right now and he's kissing like he'd die if he stops.

With Sarawat's hot lips pressed deeply against his own, Tine knows this is where it all ends. The conflicts, the awkwardness, the pretense and the cravings. Sarawat fists Tine's hair in his hands before yanking him towards him until their chests are touching. He licks Tine's lips with his tongue before engulfing them in his mouth and kissing them fervently. Tine's head keeps being thrown back every second Sarawat is thrusting his mouth into Tine's and he tastes like mint and aftershave and Tine doesn't give a fuck to his wedding and people and the fact that he'd probably pass out of oxygen deprivation. Sarawat nips at his lower lip hard and Tine gasps in his mouth that he somehow knows, every part of.

Sarawat is still ravishing his mouth and making those tiny whimpers in the base of his throat and Tine figures they turn him on in ways nothing ever has. He coils his hands around Sarawat's shoulders and pulls him a little closer than he thinks it's possible. Sarawat fucks every corner of Tine's mouth with his tongue and his chest hurts so much he figures that's how it would feel like if one ever touches the horizon he unknowingly dreams of. Tine is giving out needy moans that send electric shivers down his spine and Sarawat thinks fuck it all. Fuck the wedding, fuck the job, fuck everything that has stopped them from showing their devotion to each other.

Sarawat feels his bones are electrified and nerves, all aligned to feel what Tine doesn't even have to try to make him feel. The kisses are not slowing down and the two keep grinding shamelessly against each other, each wilder than another as if driven by a mad desire to prove one's hunger over another. Tine breaks the kiss for a second when he runs out of air but Sarawat doesn't seem to care. He follows Tine's lips again before capturing them for yet another series of desperate kisses. Their tongues battle and Sarawat lets Tine take control because he knows he more than anybody, craves power of some sort. Tine unbuttons the other's shirt in a frenzy of urgency as they suck each other's lips to bleed. Tine shudders as Sarawat tears the top two buttons of his shirt that fly to some corner of room they hardly think they'll have time to register. He is reminded of the night they had sex and his dick twitches in an anticipation he's been feeding ever since he collided into him in his office.

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