CHAPTER: 2 Where am I?!

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*I wake up with a sunlight hitting my face. I badly want to change, but seeing there is no clothes in the closet. I just closed it. I thought how would I looked like in the mirror. And saw that I think my cloths are still fine? I was about to go, when suddenly the mirror light up, and it's a sign that I need to get out of here fast. But it's too late, the mirror sucked me in and I blacked out. *


*I opened my eyes just to get greeted two weird women.*

??? 1: You're finally awake!
??? 2: How are you?

* Why did I say weird? It's because they have beautiful shiny hair, one is green and one is orange, their eyes are the same as their hair. *

Y/n : Who are you ?

??? 2: We didn't mean to be rude. I am Andrea.
??? 1: I am Janelle, we wanna ask you why are you lying in here?

* That's when I remember the mirror. I finally looked around me and, Where the hell am I? I am in a mountain. Lying on a mountain. I walked near the edge and looked down, just to see and a castle. I'm confused. I also saw something flying?! *

Y/n : What is that?

Janelle : what do you mean what is that that's a Dragon.

* I am processing what she said a Dragon?! a freaking Dragon?!! What?! *

* My face looked like I saw a ghost. *

Andrea : Why are you so shocked?
Y/n : because a freaking Dragon exist

*They looked at each other and looked weirdly at me*

Janelle : You are a Dragon too.
Y/n : I am not!
Andrea : I think she is becoming crazy.

* She said to Janelle *

Janelle : I know.
Andrea : What's your name?
Y/n : Y/n.
Andrea : So,Y/n,you are not a dragon?

* She confused asked me*

Y/n : I am not I am a human!!

* I shouted and they both covered my mouth immediately*

Janelle : Be careful at what you are saying Y/n,somebody might hear us and we will be punished.

Y/n : *mumbling*

* They finally took their hands off from me*

Y/n : what are you talking about?
Andrea : Don't ever say that word again. Y/n : What word?
Janelle : The word you said before!
Y/n : Human?
Janelle : I said don't say it
Y/n : Why ?
Andrea : I think your memory is a damaged but we don't say that word in here if you will be caught to use that word there is a punishment.
Andrea : Such as they will cut your wings they will take everything from you or they will kill you all of the Dragons know that.
Y/n : I said! I am not a dragon!
Janelle : Look Y/n, me and Andrea are Dragons and so are you.
Y/n : I am not,you to have bright magical hair and eyes while I don't!So no! I am not a dragon!

* They looked at each other and then to me*

Janelle : so you don't know about your Shiny white hair and sky coloured eyes?
Y/n : Wha-

* I looked at my hair and my soul left my body. It's really White! What? *

Janelle : Come on, I guess your memories are really lost, let us tour you to your-, what I mean our Kingdom.

* I'm still speechless, but I just did follow them. They transform into the Dragon form and wait for me to transform. *

Y/n : uhm? What now?
Janelle : I forgot you lost your memories, you may be forgot how to transform also.
Andrea : Come on,just ride on me.

* She bowed wanting me to climb on her back. So I just accepted. Andrea already few followed by Janelle. Woah ! This is it! It's a little scary but feeling the wind hitting my face is such an awesome feeling*

* We saw many Dragons also flying but when they saw me they literally become starstruck.They become shocked and also surprised will land on the ground. The people or I mean? Dragon maybe? I
think all of the people here are Dragons. Anyways they stopped all what they are doing and look at me with amazement or something like that. Janelle and Andrea turned into their Human Form but still have wings but the wings then disappeared. *

Y/n : Why are they looking at me like that?
Andrea : Well that was our face also when we saw you lying there.
Y/n : Why?
Janelle : It's actually because your unique there is no one who has a white here this is the first time that we saw one and never in the history this happened plus you are pretty also and that's making all drool.
Andrea : we can't ask you that where did you hide all this time because you lost your memories.

* I didn't lost my memories! I am a human! I am Y/n, the girl who that freaking Mirror sucked! *

Janelle : Let me take you to our house.
Y/n : Okay.

*We started walking and everyone's attention is on me and I don't like it*

* We arrived at their house, and I wandered I saw many pictures of them two. *

Y/n : What are you two?
Janelle : We are friends. We became friends when we were 5 and it still counting till now.
Y/n : Wow, you have a strong friendship don't you?
Andrea : Shut up Y/n! We are also popular in here as we are all you know? Beautiful.

* She said flipping her hair. *

Y/n : It's obvious.

* They two chuckled. *

* Then finally I found a mirror. I looked directly at it and saw myself. My face is the same but my eyes and hair are changed now. I am not confused. I do really look good with the white hair and eyes. *

Janelle : And Y/n! I want to tell you about this Kingdom!

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Janelle : And Y/n! I want to tell you about this Kingdom!

* I sat and looked at her and nod. *

Andrea : This Kingdom is ruled by the King Richard and Queen May. But we always call them your highness. He has 7 handsome sons. And all living in this Kingdom are Dragons I mean it all of them.

Y/n : Got it!

Janelle : About the seven Prince? The Queen and the King's sons. They are cold. Many lady already tried to woo them or something,but nothing worked. They are really cold as Ice and doesn't give a damn about anything.

Y/n : Why did they become like that?
Andrea : It's because.......

....... To be continued.

Guys sorry for but nowadays I'm having exams.. So if my exam ends I will continue this.... I know this is not so good.. But I'm trying.. Your Author is soo lazy 😪.....

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