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Hours passed and I'm still here sitting next to him. Well he is sleeping and my back hurts for sitting here for hours but it's ok. I looked at his sleeping figure. He's handsome. She's really lucky to have you seven. I don't know what does she look like, what's her personality, why do you guys love her so much.. But I bet she might be really special..

Jimin moved a bit and as I said he's sleeping, he unexpectedly put his head on my lap and hugged my waist.

I was shocked but it didn't last long..

This guys are fragile.. And right now , they are BROKEN..


My back really really hurts, I tried making Jimin get off me but luck was not on my side. He woke up. He woke up seeing himself hugging me. It's awkward.He immediately stand up and just went away without even saying anything. Now gosh my back!! I lay down to make the pain stop..


I felt someone's presence near me. I opened my eyes just to see y/n trying to get off from my hug, wait- my hug?! I froze for a moment and that's what made it awkward. Gosh I realized I was hugging the entire time I fell asleep.I stood up and went inside without uttering a single word. Why did I do that?? I made my way to our secret room. It's a room that only we 7 brothers know. I opened the door just yo see all of my brothers sitting on the couch.

Yoongi : Where were you??

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Yoongi : Where were you??

Jimin : Sleeping

Hoseok : You were not in your room.

Taehyung : Maybe outside the castle? On the grass? He always sleeps there.

Jimin : Great Tae.. Thanks for spilling my secret.

Taehyung : You are welcome

Jungkook : So, you wanted to tell us something?

Jimin : About?

Jungkook : Tell us or I will tell them myself?

Jimin : What are you talking about??

Jin : Same.. What is it Jungkook??

Jungkook : Jimin hyung.. You are the one I'm asking..

Jimin : How can I answer when I don't know what you are talking about?

Jungkook : Why we're you sleeping on y/n's lap??

---------------ON THE OTHER SIDE--------------

---------------ON THE OTHER SIDE--------------

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