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Queen : You can fly here y/n.. Why don't you try it..?? It's magical..!!

Y/n : I guess.. Thank you your highness.. But can you not tell it everyone??

Queen : I won't.. I know how to respect privacy..

Y/n : Thank you your highness..!!


The queen and I bid goodbye to each other and I made my way to our roon but when I passed one door. I heard a glass breaking noise. I don't know what to do, I opened it. I saw Taehyung on the floor sitting hugging his knees while there is broken bottle glass on the other side of the room. I bet he threw it. I also saw his hands bleeding. I went near him and took out a first aid kit from his cabinet, he's shocked at first why am I here. I took his hand making him stand up and sit on the bed. He is too shocked to say anything and I'm too focused on bandaging and cleaning his hands to say anything too..

But the silence broke when

Taehyung : What are you doing here??

He finally got over from his shock maybe and he took his hand back from me and he started cleaning himself.

Taehyung : Get out!!

I didn't listen to him, instead I went to pick up the broken glass pieces.

Taehyung : I said get out!! *shouting*

Y/n : I'm sorry prince but I ain't gonna go, until I see the broken glass piece here which might bruise you again..

I continued picking all the glass pieces again..

Taehyung : Why are you so hard headed?? I said get out!!

Y/n : Cause that's how I'm prince..

I finally finished picking up all the broken glass pieces. I got a slight cut while picking up those but I didn't let him see it..

I turned to him..

Y/n : I don't know what you are doing, but prince I hope you know that there are still someone who cares for you..

I opened the door to go out but I saw Jin. I bowed and was about to pass by him but he grabbed my wrist and that made me look at him. He gave me bandages as he saw the blood in my hands and the glass pieces..

Y/n : Thank you.

He didn't respond, he just went inside Taehyung's room..


I was rushing to Taehyung as soon as I knew that we had another alcohol. I know he will break and throw those things everywhere.. He does that always.. If one alcohol was missing it's on him.. That's what makes him satisfied.. He will break the stuffs and touch those to amke his hands cut. I brought bandaids for him as I was not sure whether anymore bandaids still in Taehyung's room.. I was about to open the door when..

Taehyung : Why are you so hard headed?? I said get out!!

??? : Cause that's how I'm prince..

I heard a female voice and it sounds like y/n.. I heard broken glass, I think y/n have picked up the broken glass pieces..

Y/n : I don't know what you are doing, but prince I hope you know that there are still someone who cares for you..

The statement caught me off guard and I know Taehyung too. Does someone really? That's such a lie..  No y/n!! The only one who cared for us was our love..!!

The door opened revealing y/n,  I saw her hand full of cuts, she walked passed me but I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me confused. I then gave the bandaid to her.

Y/n : Thank you.

Not wanting to answer I just went in to Taehyung..

Jin : How many times do I have to tell you to stop this?!

Taehyung: Hyung.. She's in my dreams again.. I miss her hyung!!

Yes he always ees dreams about her cause he really misses her.. Well we all do actually, but we are doing different things to satisfy ourselves..

Y/n's POV :

Janelle : Did you know??

Y/n : Know what??

Andrea : We heard from the maids that many medicines are missing..

Y/n : So? How does it connect to us??

Janelle : Nothing, but aren't you curious how did it just got missing??

Now I'm thinking about it..

Y/n : What kind of medicines??

Andrea : Sleeping medicines for humans but we are dragons why would someone steal a human medicine??

It doesn't make sense.. That's true who would steal human medicine?? I mean why??

Y/n : What happens when a dragon have that medicine?? And how many are gone??

Andrea : Dragons are not capable of any human medicines y/n, it can cause allergy and many other things. You'll will suffer and may lead to death. And as we heard 3 pills are missing..

If that's the case who will steal the medicine??

It just doesn't make sense, who stole the medicine??

.................................. TO BE CONTINUED




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