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We remembered the memories from both of them.

Jin : We will pick-


I was just a human who got lost. A human who doesn't believe in fantasies and fairy tales. A human who is curious always. A plain normal human. And all of a sudden my life completely changed just because of a mirror. The mirror sucked me in and became the reason for me to find another world. I met two beautiful friends and 7 handsome boys. They became the reason for me to stay in this world.

Actually the first time I saw the seven boys. I was pretty sure that they were the persons I want to spend my life with. They made me fall in love with them without actually knowing. Yes, I know they are giving me the cold shoulder but I taught myself to look deeper. To learn about them deeper. Cause they ain't gonna be like that for no reason.

And the day finally came, now I get it.. When I read the diary for the first time it made me emotional. Sacrifices, fun, excitement, sadness, they experienced it all with Sarah. And that's the day I knew that, she really deserves them. The day, I finally told me myself that... It's time to give up.

I have no rights to fight for them. I will eventually lose. I know they still love her. And they will be happy if she comes back. And no matter what happens pick her.


Namjoon : Y/n, my love!!

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Namjoon : Y/n, my love!!

I looked at him with confused face.

Namjoon : The rest of the guys have many bruises.

I immediately stand up

Y/n : What?! Where are they?? Let's go Joonie..

He grabbed my hand and we made way to a room, but it's dark.. There were no lights or anything..

Y/n : Where are we? Joonie? Where are they?

He did not answer and I felt that he took away his hand from me

Y/n : Joonie..? That's not funny!! I can't see anything!!

But there is literally nothing also I can't hear anything. But then one side of the room light up, and it's coming froma  mirror? I went close to it and it was the same mirror taht sucked me in from the dark castle. It lit up and I saw them.

Taehyung : Hi Y/n! You might be wondering why the mirror showed me

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Taehyung : Hi Y/n! You might be wondering why the mirror showed me.. Well I'm wondering too haha..

It made me smile.

Taehyung : Well actually we came to answer everything. We want to tell you everything.

He disappeared and Yoongi appeared next.

Yoongi : You said before "I don't deserve you all" and actually y/n we believe it's the opposite. We don't deserve you are just too perfect for us. We are scared that you will think that we are not enough for you cause we have many flaws. But we are trying our best and will always to be the perfect one for you.

Y/n : Silly!! You guys are already more than I could wish for!

Yoongi : I never knew that a day will come where I will beg to someone but I believe this will be the day. "I'M BEGGING YOU Y/N PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US!!"

My there fell as I know that this was the first that he ever said please to someone. This word didn't use to exist in his vocabulary even if he's jolly, cold or anything. He disappeared and then Jin appeared.

Jin : Hi my World Wide Beautiful!!

I blushed hard when I heard it again. It's just my heart melts everytime he says that. I mean your heart will melt if you are being called the most beautiful person in this world. And Jin is like that. He treats me like that. He never gets tired of calling me that.

Jin : Well guess what? My girlfriend and soon to be wife is asking all of us thia question always "Why do you all love me?" And that time we had no answer yet.

I'm listening carefully.

Jin : Because you are you.

I was stunned looking at him because that was an interesting answer.

Jin : You are the person that helped us, a person who believed in us, a person who will risk their everything for their loved ones, a person who didn't give up on us. You are brave y/n but also our cute soft girl.

I smiled thinking of those sweet words that he just said.

Y/n : I will get diabetes later if you still don't quit saying those kind of sweet stuffs..

He disappeared and Jimin appeared.

Jimin : Hi Y/n..

I smiled seeing his cute face.

Jimin : Well? You didn't ask me any question so I guess I can't answer anything. But let me just tell your story instead.

He's cute.

Jimin : Once upon a time there was a boy who only has his brothers. He was lonely and cold but a girl randomly entered into his and his brothers' life and that's the  part where everything changed. Unknowingly the boy started falling in love with the girl. But he hid it so that he doesn't get laughed at. They are now together.

Jimin : But he didn't say anything. He didn't even say "I love you" to her.

It's true he never "I love you" to me.

Jimin : You know why? Because when he will say that word he is ready to give his all. That's invitation that she can get into his heart now. That she is allowed now.

Y/n : J-Jimin?

Jimin : And today.. Mark it in your calendar.. The boy finally said "I love you y/n".

.................................. TO BE CONTINUED




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