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Jimin : And today.. Mark it in your calendar.. The boy finally said "I love you y/n".


My tears fell again.

Jimin : That's the story. And I know that story will go on their way to their happy ending.

He disappeared and Jungkook appeared.

Jungkook : Hi baby!!

I smiled

Jungkook : No more wait, let me tell you, you are the only one who understands me. The person who will do anything for me. The one who can comfort me. The girl who can handle me. And the girl who can tame me. I really hated myself for our past experiences but you saved me. You taught me so much.

Well it's the same I think ? We both taught many lessons to each other.. I smiled at him and he disappeared and Hoseok appeared.

Hoseok : Y/n! I will confess to you now..

I was confused about what he was saying.

Hoseok : The first time we talked when you bumped into me. I.. FELL.. FOR.. YOU.

Hoseok : I know it's too fast, but who can not? When you told me you are sorry because you witnessed a laughing maniac, I wanted to laugh but I controlled myself not to laugh because I'm supposed to show my soft side to no one. I wanted to say... I LOVE YOU.

Y/n : How can you be so cute?

He disappeared and then Taehyung appeared.

Taehyung : Hi Y/n.. I'm back again!! I know you have a lot of questions which you are dying to know. And one of those is why? Why did we choose you instead of her?

I smile immediately dropped. I'm nervous. That's right. Why did they chose me to live and not her? They loved Sarah more.

Taehyung : Yes we did love Sarah. But you have a special place in our heart and everytime it justs grow more and more.

He disappeared and then Namjoon appeared. My eyes are getting watery again.

Namjoon : Y/n, Sarah loved us and we loved her too but the story ends there only. We were confused first as why we felt butterflies in my stomach when the door opened revealing with flowers in your hand. We didn't know why we felt that , we just shrugged it off and thought it's just us admiring you being unique. But by the time you helped Tae, adviced Jungkook, scolded Jin , scolded me and suffer for Jimin's sake and become mad at Yoongi hyung for pulling, we finally knew it's not just admiring.

Namjoon : It's just because our hearts finally opened and let you in. That's why we chose you.

He disappeared and now all of them appeared.


I can't control the tears falling from my eyes. Someone back hugged me and he spoke.

Jungkook : Baby, don't cry.

They all came in front of me while tears are still dripping from my eyes.

Hoseok wipped all the tears and they hugged me.

Y/n : Y-You all are mean!! What was that?!

Jin : Well we just wanted to surprise you.

Y/n : Well congratulations you did..

Jimin : Really?!

Y/n : Yes!!

Namjoon : I hope you liked it..

Y/n : Thank you.. I loved it!!

Yoongi : You are welcome, now let's go?

Y/n : Where?

Yoongi held my hand while others followed us.

Y/n : Where are we going?

The mirror shone brightly and when I opened my eyes

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The mirror shone brightly and when I opened my eyes.

Taehyung : Woah, it's been so long?

Jin : I missed going in here..

Jimin : Glad to be back again.

Namjoon : Many things changed already.

Hoseok : Yep, really a lot changed.

Jungkook : I'm happy that we are here.

Yoongi : Y/n are you okay?

I'm shocked, don't know what to say, it's already been 2 years since I last went here.

I looked at my hair, it's not white anymore.

Jimin : Y/n!

Hoseok : You..

Jungkook : Look..

Jin : Beautiful!!

Taehyung : Yep!! You really do!!

Namjoon : Not surprised but I'm falling in love more.

Yoongi : Shh... It's okay Y/n..

Y/n : T-Thank you..

I pecked his cheeks and he blushed.

Jungkook : Yah! That's not fair, where's ours!!

Y/n : How about no?

Jimin : Yah!

Y/n : I was just kidding..

I pecked all their cheeks and started looking everywhere. I was going to say "I'M BACK HOME!!" but then I looked back just to see all 7 of them blushing hard, I chuckled and thought..


                                               --- THE END---

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