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Y/n : Go away!!!

I started crying like a little child making them worried as hell. Jungkook made me sit on the couch while I'm still crying with my hands still covering my eyes.

Jungkook : Who the heck are you??

Jimin : Come out!! I know someone is there!!

Jin POV :

Jungkook and Jimin shouted!! We were really worried as what was happening to y/n.. And we were really sure someone is really there.

??? : Aww.. I'M HERE!!

We looked at the direction and we were shocked..



IT'S..... SARAH'S MOM...

Yoongi : How the hell are you in here?? You are human!!

Sarah's mom : Well thanks to y/n..

We looked at y/n and she had the face of confusion. She also don't know what she was talking about!!

Sarah's mom : That's the fun part well.. Maybe I will tell later. For now, I want to see you all suffer!! For not believing my daughter and killing her!!

She transformed into a dragon and not any dragon but a violet dragon which is the one that gave me all the letters.

"Hello Prince Jin

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"Hello Prince Jin.. Didn't I tell you already that it's not good?? But you all still did it.. Now what do I do?? I lost her because of you all!! And for that.. I will take revenge!! And make all seven of you suffer!!"

That's what she meant when she said she lost her?? She lost her daughter who became our love. Well Sarah's mom  was never supportive of our relationship. She told us to break up because it won't work. But since we loved each other we couldn't break up..

Namjoon : We didn't kill her!!

Sarah's mom : But still you didn't believe when she was going to die!!

That hit us.. It's true.. We didn't believe her!! Memories keep flashing back about that day..

      ----------------- FLASHBACK ----------------

Sarah is not quite well nowadays..

Jungkook : Sarah? Are you okay??

Sarah : Yeah I'm fine..

Hoseok : You don't seem fine to me..

Sarah : Aww don't worry Hoseok.. I'm fine..

Sarah : But I want to tell you all something..

Namjoon : What is it??

Sarah : I can't sleep..

Jimin : What kind of nonsense is that??

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