CHAPTER: 3 What's wrong with the princes?!

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Y/n : Why did they become like that?
Andrea : It's because.......


Andrea : It's because of their last love. The one that they love was a human.

*She said the word 'human' whispering. *

Y/n : Why, how?
Janelle : They really love that girl and so as the girl really love them but save the girl was a human. She was weak just one disease she died she can't handle many things. Cause yeah as I said she is just human.
Y/n : I felt bad for them but how did she get here?
Janelle : uhm? Back to the time we have a portal that connects the two world. The Dragons and human world. But when the girl died. The king and the queen chose to close it as this of how the princess was getting out of control when it comes to their emotions.
Y/n : Is it really that bad?
Andrea : Yes! Actually their own parents cannot tame now. They became cold and stiffed. The princes that are so soft before the Princes who just want peace and safety of all. Has become a princes that are cold, that has a stone heart.
Y/n : Then that's sad.
Janelle : Yes it does . But I am really curious of where did you hide all this time though like really really curious.

* If I tell them I am a human they won't believe like before so I just don't want to put that argument*

Y/n : Maybe my memories really disappeared.
Janelle : Yeah, That's right.
Andrea : By the way Y/n, we are delivering flowers to the palace any minute now. Will you come with us?
Y/n : Sure, I want to wander here. But for what?
Andrea : The Queen is you know? Has a love for flowers.
Y/n : Oh ok! I will join and help you.

ndrea : Let's go?

* I nodded we took the flowers that we will deliver and as always the Dragon se still looking at me smiling,so I just smiled back at them .And next thing I know we were already on the castle. The guards were surprised to see me. *

Guard 1: You are?
Janelle: She's our friend. She helped us deliver the flowers.
Guard 2: Why this is the only time that we saw her?
Andrea : She don't know either. Her memories are lost and she can't remember anything.
Guard 1 : Ok by the way you do look beautiful
Y/n : Thank you.

*I smiled and bowed. They let us in and we are now walked inside the castle. There is not many Dragons here. I think the maids and guards are on their places. We are about to enter a big room and it's Throne Room I think. I am looking around and didn't notice that Andrea and Janelle already entered and when I realised I immediately open the big door and ran next to them completely forgetting I am in a freaking Castle!! *

.......... To be continued.

Guys Sorry to say but author can't post the next part these few days... Because I'm having exams and I barely studied.. So After my exams are over I will continue this.... I know that this story is not so good but still your author tried... And if you love it then I'm very grateful.. ..

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