Chapter 20

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By the time they reached the mountains, the tunnel was closed. Falcon rushed over to the tunnel and muttered something to it. The door lifted upwards, and he was the first to run in. When everyone else entered, he made the tunnel close again and he turned to grin at Sahara. "Brilliant thinking." he complimented.

Sahara smiled and suddenly, Fennec pounced and hugged her tight around her neck. "Sahara, I missed you!" she cried. "I will never ever run away from Dolphin again or disobey a command. I'll always be here to support you because I'm your best friend!" She sniffled and stood beside Sahara. She smiled and rubbed the tears away from her eyes.

"I missed you, too." Sahara replied. "I'm just happy that you're okay."

Vulcan and Algae walked up to them and the SkyWing smiled. "Sahara, thank you." he thanked. "If it wasn't for you, I might have never seen Algae again." The SeaWing leaned into him and twined her tail with his.

"I'm also thankful." she agreed. "I just wish Seastar could've come with us." Algae's ears drooped and she sighed.

Then, Dolphin and Heatwave came to them with worried looks. "Falcon!" Dolphin urged. "You need to go to the NightWing village. Pearl is absolutely furious with us now." Falcon nodded and flew away.

Heatwave hugged Sahara and Fennec and exhaled. "You know that sandstorm you created," he informed. "Well, Moonglobe found out Queen Topaz had died. So we won't have to worry about her anymore. As for Pearl. . . she survived and is on her way as we speak."

Sahara gulped and shifted uncomfortably. "How long do we have before she gets here?"

Heatwave shook his head. "We don't know. But we're sure it won't be long. So I expect that you and the others prepare yourselves. You'll never know what Pearl is planning this time."

Fennec gave Sahara a reassuring look and nudged her with her wing. "Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. I'm pretty sure we can handle her."

Sahara wished she didn't have to worry. She knew Pearl wasn't stupid and she also knew Pearl would be more careful about what she did. There was no telling what Pearl could be planning. If anything, it's probably worse than what happened in the Sky Kingdom.

Sunbeam came over to them and behind her, were a line of SkyWings dressed in armor. "Fennec's right." she chimed in. "There's nothing to worry about."

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now