Chapter 24

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Both of Pearl's minions lunged at them. The zombie dragon came after Sahara and Fennec. It violently lashed out at them, aiming to claw their necks and faces. However, they both managed to dodge its claws. Fennec came from behind and grabbed the dragon by its horns. It roared and thrashed around, trying to get Fennec to lose her grip. But she held on tight and finally an opening showed itself. When it came, Sahara took her barbed tail and stabbed it deeply into the dragon's heart. As she retracted her tail, the dragon's body lifelessly fell to the ground.

Sahara turned to help Stargazer, who was dealing with the gemstone SkyWing, but Dolphin stood and stopped her. "Focus on Pearl, I'll help Stargazer."

Sahara twisted to face Pearl, but the SeaWing's smile didn't falter.

"Unfortunately, these dragons aren't very durable." Pearl shrugged her shoulders. "But it's okay. The more of them they are, the more troublesome they become." She tapped the bottom of her staff on the ground a couple times and three more zombie dragons appeared. "I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere, see you around." Pearl waved before suddenly vanishing.

Stargazer soon appeared right after she was gone, and he tackled two of the zombie dragons. He then took their heads and bashed them against one of the stone building's walls. As for the last one, it didn't even put up a fight. Instead, it took off and flew away with its tail in between its legs.

"We need to catch Pearl," the NightWing urged. "Quickly!"

Dolphin managed to subdue the SkyWing but was struggling. "Stargazer, help me with this! Let them go find Pearl!" Stargazer held down the SkyWing's head and gestured for Sahara and Fennec to go.

The two SandWings were quickly in the air and were desperately searching for where Pearl could have gone. Sahara checked all the places she's been since she first arrived at the village, but Pearl was nowhere to be found. Who knew Pearl could be so elusive? As a last ditch effort, they checked the main entrance. There, they saw Pearl talking to a large zombie dragon. But, that one didn't quite resemble the others. This one was bigger and seemed to have more intelligence than the rest.

"Eventually, they'll have no choice but to submit," he said. "By that time though, most of them will be dead."

"They don't die fast enough!" Pearl groaned. "My minions are dying faster than these lizards!"

"It will take time," the zombie dragon told her. "But luckily for you, they will never truly die. You can keep summoning them thanks to my power. Soon enough, the living will fall."

Sahara and Fennec entered the tunnel, but they weren't noticed by Pearl or the dragon she was talking to. "Pearl, this has to stop!" she yelled.

Pearl looked in her direction and smiled. "Back so soon?" She walked closer to them while her companion remained submerged in the darkness of the tunnel. "Hmph. I suppose I'm ready for a rematch anyway."

Sahara pulled her dagger from her pouch and gripped it tight in her right talon. She only had one chance. If this dagger missed its target just once, it would be over for her. Sahara had to time her attack just right.

Pearl darted towards her, making the first move. She aimed for Sahara's side, but she dodged and counterattacked, smacking her tail into Pearl's face. The SeaWing hissed and lunged at her again, coming at her just a bit faster than before. Sahara ducked to avoid being clawed in the face before raking her own across Pearl's underbelly.

"So you did have it in you, interesting." Pearl's wounds immediately healed before she continued. "But, you won't win against me. Not like that, at least."

Suddenly, Sahara felt her talons meld with the rocky floor as she became planted in place. Uh, oh. Sahara's eyes widened as she struggled to free herself. She looked down to find that her talons were turned to stone. Pearl set her staff down on the floor and leisurely walked up to her. She then ripped Sahara's pouch off her neck. "That black pearl of yours is a pain." Pearl said. "But now, you're stuck. You can't attack me. It's pretty much over for you." Chuckling, Pearl repeatedly smacked her across the face, her claws just barely missing Sahara's eyes. With no means of escape, Sahara had no choice but to take the blows. Even my tail won't move! Her tail was also fused to the floor.

"Just you wait, SandWing." Pearl sneered. "Once you're dead, your friends will be next. But by then, they won't be able to do anything about it." The SeaWing dug her claws into Sahara's neck, causing her to wince. "Soon, everyone will be dead. Then, I will get what I truly deserved all those years ago."

Even with warm blood running down her face and neck, Sahara glared at Pearl. "Why do you want me dead so badly?" she mumbled. "I have nothing to do with what happened between you and Dolphin's friends."

"Oh? I never told you? Huh?" Pearl narrowed her cold eyes on Sahara. Just from her look alone, Sahara could tell Pearl had some beef with her. "I guess you should know before you die at least. But, a certain someone told me something disturbing. And it has everything to do with you and my sister's friends. He told me that you were replacing me."

"Replacing you?" Sahara blinked. "I would never! If anything, I would've wanted to help you get back to having good relations with everyone. Anger is not the key to solving your problem."

"Well, it works, doesn't it?" Pearl retorted. "I've clearly gotten my point across."

"Yeah, but at what cost? You're losing every chance you'll have to repair your relationships. While Dolphin is your sister, it doesn't mean she'll truly forgive you for what you've done."

The SeaWing stared at her for what felt like an eternity before she released her neck and took a step back. Her confident expression had faded and she was swaying her tail back and forth. "Sure she will. Dolphin is a softy. She even said it herself."

"She might, but she'll never fully trust you again." Sahara told her. "You two will never be as close as you were before if you continue this. You're just ruining this for yourself."

Pearl looked down at the floor, half in shame and the other in silent sorrow. She was starting to look like she understood the error in her ways. Sahara really hoped what she said got through to Pearl. If they could come to an understanding without as much as a deadly fight, then Sahara would try her absolute best to make sure that happened.

And it looked to be working, until the dragon from within the shadows called out to them. "Pearl, let's finish this." he sighed. "I don't have time to just sit here and listen to your heart-warming talk."

The SeaWing exhaled through her nose and looked up to meet Sahara's gaze. While she didn't say anything to her, her expression was soft, which was largely shocking to Sahara, and reformed. She then turned to face his direction. She picked up her staff and glared at him. "I can't go through with this. I'm not going to put my relationship with my sister in jeopardy all because of something that happened in the past. While it will be hard, I have no choice but to let it go."

Sahara watched as the stone receded from her talons and tail. It actually worked. I actually convinced Pearl! It was a wonderful feeling. Ever since she had arrived in the Sky Kingdom, her entire goal was to do just this. Make Pearl realize what she was doing was wrong. Even though she wished this could have happened a lot sooner, she was ecstatic that it happened at all.

Pearl turned back to her and held out her staff with one talon. "Here," she said. "Take it. Destroy it. Do whatever you have to do."

Sahara took the staff from Pearl and quickly used the dagger to cut it in half. Its blade went straight through it without any problems. Once the staff was in two, it disintegrated into dust and so did the dagger. Just for safe measures, Sahara spread the dust around the area so it would mix with the rocks and pebbles of the tunnel. 

The zombie dragon growled, sending a sudden jolt of fear down Sahara's spine. "Fine. Then if you don't, you'll have no choice but to accept the punishments that will follow."

Without warning, Pearl lurched forward and held her chest with one talon. Sahara looked her way and nearly gasped out loud when she saw Pearl coughing up blood. The SeaWing exhaled as if she had heavy stones placed upon her chest. Her breathing was slow, heavy, and shallow. "That's right," she mumbled. "I almost forgot all my magic was sealed in that staff. I also forgot that there would be a price to pay if it was destroyed."

"Oh, there's much more in store for you than just a couple drops of blood." the zombie dragon said harshly.

Suddenly, vines sprang out from the walls of the tunnel and wrapped themselves around Pearl's neck, legs, and wings and proceeded to drag her up the wall. She let out a surprised yelp as another set of vines wrapped around her mouth so she couldn't speak. She swung her tail and twisted her body, but she wasn't able to free herself.

"Don't worry, Pearl." The zombie dragon crooned. "We'll just have to fix you. Even if that does mean having to make a few 'minor changes' as one might say."

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now