Chapter 23

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After Cetia gifted Sahara a weapon, Midnight came to. His eyes nor the table with the symbols were glowing. Midnight rubbed his temples as if he had a severe headache. After a minute, he seemed to recover from Cetia's possession.

"Was he able to help?"

"Yeah, he did." Sahara nodded.

Midnight studied them for a moment before smiling. "Well, that's good to hear. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, that's all." Sahara ushered for Fennec to stand up and Sahara rummaged through her pouch to pay Midnight.

"I am curious," Midnight stood and walked towards his potion rack. "What will you do with Pearl once you destroy her staff? Are you just going to lock her up or are you going to kill her?"

Sahara froze and thought about the RainWing's question. What would they do with Pearl? She was certain Dolphin wouldn't want to kill her sister. Locking her up was a good option, but Sahara wasn't sure. She would have to find out from everyone else what to do. "We don't know yet." She dropped a talonful of coins on the table and walked towards the door. "That should be enough. Thank you for your services."

Fennec and Sahara walked back to the village in silence. Sahara couldn't help but think about what happened between her and Cetia. He had taken a part of her and some of her magic. And now, she had to be careful to not overuse her magic or else the small stains on her neck would get bigger. And even worse, the dagger he gave her can only be used once. So, when she did see Pearl, she would have to act fast and carefully.

Sahara was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard rustling coming from the trees. She perked her ears up to listen and so did Fennec. Everything went back to being silent in a matter of seconds. What was that?

"Hello!" Sahara called out. "Is anyone there?"

No response. The silence made Sahara a little uneasy. Maybe it was just some RainWings flying past. But, what if it wasn't? What if it was one of Pearl's creations?

"Sahara, look out!" Fennec yelled.

Sahara quickly looked up to see a figure darting out of the trees at them. However, she managed to be a little faster. She stuck her tail up and caught the dragon in the chest with her barb. The dragon yowled and flopped to the ground behind them.

Sahara stared at the now dead dragon and gasped. The dragon was all black and had strange, multi-colored eyes. Even more freakishly, the dragon had pieces of bone sticking out of it in certain places, like on the tail, chest, and wings. She blinked in shock and looked back at Fennec, who was also staring at the dragon in terror.

"A zombie?" Fennec quavered. "Ah, jeez."

"We need to hurry." Sahara urged. "I don't want to find out if there's more of those things hidden around here." Quickly, Sahara and Fennec darted out of the forest and towards the village.

When they returned, they found the village in total chaos. They saw more of those zombie-like dragons attacking Sunbeam's soldiers, but they looked to be handling the situation rather well.

Sahara and Fennec managed to find Dolphin not too far from the city walls. With her was Owl, Salamander, Sunbeam, and Stargazer.

"Just in time." Dolphin smiled. "It seems my young sister has decided to make her appearance."

"Not her, but her minions, that is." Stargazer corrected. "We still don't know where Pearl is at the moment."

"Did you manage to find something to help destroy her staff?" Sunbeam asked urgently.

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now