Chapter 1

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Life in the Kingdom of Sand was great for Sahara. It was open, spacious, and relatively quiet. The smell of camels, fresh water, and cacti would always be lingering faintly in the air.

Sahara was flying to the Scorpion Den to meet up with Fennec, one of her friends. Fennec was really the only friend she ever had. She had a more outgoing personality compared to Sahara, but nevertheless, she was a wonderful companion to have.

Sahara had met Fennec when she was flying to the stronghold. Sahara had had some business with a certain dragon that was there at the time. She had landed in front of the entrance when another SandWing landed beside her. The pale yellow SandWing had green eyes and was around her age. She had black horns and wore a necklace made from black scorpion scales and small spheres of orange Topaz in the middle of each scale. She had a golden-brown crest and a earring in one of her ears. The SandWing looked at Sahara and smiled. The guards stepped aside and let them through. They flew towards the courtyard and Sahara began to feel a small hint of curiosity bubbling in her chest. She really wanted to talk to the other SandWing. While she did have other friends around the Kingdom of Sand, this particular SandWing had a different vibe from the rest. That was the only way Sahara could truly explain it.

"Hi." the SandWing greeted.

"Oh, hello." Sahara replied. She wasn't expecting the SandWing to speak first.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Sahara, you?"


They didn't speak for a while as they landed in the courtyard. SandWings were gathering for some reason that was unknown to them. Sahara glanced at Fennec and saw a scowl on her face.

"Where is the queen?" she snarled. "She's suppose to be here by now, along with the princess and prince."

Sahara looked through the crowd and noticed a dark purple dragon with chains around his neck, wings, and forelegs.

He was glaring at the crowd, but soon his gaze turned toward Sahara and Fennec. Sahara saw him look her up and down before a slight smirk appeared on his face. Suddenly, a dragon hissed and everyone glanced to their left. Queen Camel, Prince Dune, and Princess Pebble were standing on a stone stage looking down at them. The SandWing queen stepped off the stage and glared at the chained dragon.

"This dragon has caused us harm." the queen hissed. "He's killed and tortured the different tribes of this continent." She stood close to the dragon and he frowned. "He's probably one of the worst dragons I've ever met." she added, whispering at him.

The chained dragons chuckled and scratched the side of his neck with a small grin. "Quite harsh, don't you think? I personally wouldn't say I've tortured those poor souls."

Sahara didn't know who that dragon was, but he did look familiar to her. Fennec glared at him and coiled her tail. "Who is he?" Sahara asked Fennec in a whisper as the queen began talking again.

"That's Nightshade." Fennec hissed. "He's an animus RainWing-NightWing hybrid. He was said to have put a spell on all the queens expect for Sinai and Queen Rosmarine. He almost took over the rainforest, but he failed." Sahara remembered Nightshade now. She remembered hearing from another SandWing about Nightshade's desire to conquer the continent. Why he wanted to do that, Sahara wasn't desperate to find out. From what she heard, he sounded like a bad dragon that was worthy of whatever punishment the SandWing queen was about to give him. Prince Dune had walked up to Queen Camel and Nightshade holding a spear in his right talon. The prince was a golden yellow with a tan underbelly. He had black horns and blue eyes. His crest was a rusty yellow color with slight brown underneath. His top scales were a dirty brown and had small diamonds on the sides. He glared at Nightshade and lashed his venomous tail. "You don't deserve to live with what you've done." he snarled.

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now