Chapter 8

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Sahara and Fennec stayed in the Scorpion Den all day until evening. Sahara said she was going to go out flying, but Fennec was cautious and decided to come with her. Sahara tried not to fly in the direction of the tunnel and somewhat curve to the left. They landed by a large oasis and Fennec laid in the shallow area that covered her up to her forelegs. Sahara found a boulder and watched the sky. She was hoping to see Falcon flying in the distance, but there was no sign of the SkyWing.

Evening turned into twilight and twilight turned into night, but Sahara kept waiting. Fennec was still woke and was staring at Sahara with drowsily eyes. "Okay, the sunset is over. Can we please go back to the Scorpion Den?" Fennec pleaded.

Sahara scowled at her and tilted her head back up. Sahara wasn't going anywhere until she saw Falcon.

Then, she could hear wingbeats to her right and saw a black figure flying towards them. She squinted her eyes and noticed it was a SkyWing. Sahara stood up and glanced at Fennec. The SandWing in the oasis was fast asleep and Fennec's mouth was slightly open. The SkyWing landed in front of Sahara and glanced cautiously at Fennec. "Falcon!" Sahara greeted in a whisper. Falcon grinned and tucked his wings in tight.

"Good to see you too, Sahara." he whispered back. Suddenly, they started to hear more wingbeats, this time more clustered, and Falcon growled.

Sahara glanced at Fennec and saw she was up and staring at the sky. "Ooooo, look at this." Whale sneered. "Falcon made it to the Kingdom of Sand. Just too bad he won't make it to Dolphin." The SeaWing landed next to the oasis and Fennec. The IceWing and MudWing landed behind them and snarled. They all laughed as they came closer.

Falcon flexed his talons and flared his wings. Fennec scrambled out of the water and ran to Sahara. "I hope this wasn't why your eyes were glowing." she fretted. Sahara swallowed and shook her head.

"Pearl and Topaz don't want any dragons meddling with their plans. So I suppose we'll just have to kill you too." Whale said, eyeing Sahara and Fennec. Sahara growled and lashed her tail. She wasn't gonna let three animus-touched dragons kill her or her friends.

"No, you won't!" Sahara snarled.

Whale laughed and so did Bear and Toad. "And what are you going to do to stop us?" the SeaWing challenged. Sahara studied the position they were all in and grinned. "This." she answered. She ran forward and charged at Whale.

Once Whale figured out Sahara was going to attack her, Sahara backed just out of reach of Whale's talons and took to the air. The SeaWing froze in shock and stared up at her.

Sahara then, dove at Whale and whacked the SeaWing with her venomous tail. Whale staggered back, baring her teeth.

Fennec and Falcon exchanged glances and followed Sahara. Toad and Bear flew after them while Whale stayed on the ground and chased after them. Sahara twisted and stuck the MudWing in his shoulder with her talons. Toad tried to shake her off, but she maintained her balance. She bit down into his spiny back and he roared in pain.

Sahara coiled her tail around his neck and squeezed. He began to gag and tried to loosen her coil.

Bear suddenly, grabbed Sahara by her back and flung her off. Sahara wobbled in the sky for a moment before she regained control over her wings. She hovered for a second and watched as both Bear and Toad dived at her. She narrowed her eyes and waited. As soon as they were close enough, Sahara flew into them. Bear dodged her, but Toad didn't. Sahara lashed at his wings and tore four holes into them and she knocked him off balance. Toad tried to stay aloft, but his torn wing caused him to fall. Whale didn't see it, but when Toad crashed into the ground, he landed on top of her. She hissed and tried to pull herself out.

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now