Chapter 2

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It was now night and Fennec still hadn't woke up yet. Sahara was getting bored so she decided to get up. Almost everyone was gone, but a few still remained. Other dragons were also starting to come in and gather in the oasis. She glanced back at Fennec and made her way out. She couldn't stop thinking about the dream she had. It almost seemed like Dolphin was giving her some kind of magic. Magic that she knew she already had when she was a dragonet, but it was much stronger.

Sahara could still feel a slight tingle in her talons and her eyes still felt sore. She didn't feel the same anymore. She felt...not like herself. As she made her way up the alleyway, someone grabbed her shoulders and pulled her aside. "Hey!" she shouted, slashing and kicking at her abductor, which felt like thin air. Whatever it was, it let go of her and she whipped around, hissing. Sahara flared her wings and raised her scorpion-like tail. "Who are you?" she demanded. All she heard was the wind.

Sahara thought for a moment and took a deep breath. "Dolphin?" she tried. Still no response.

"That's great!" a voice suddenly sighed. "You do know her." Sahara listened and it didn't sound like the SeaWIng from her dream. Sahara started to hear talons scraping the stone and she growled. Then, a tall SandWIng appeared. He was a reddish-orange with a pale yellow crest with a black line on the top. He had black markings on his snout, eye, and horns. He also had black shadings on the tips of his claws and wingtips. His underside of his wings were red with yellow at the end. The SandWing wore a small pouch around his neck and he smiled down at her. "I'm truly sorry if I scared you." he apologized.

"Scared me?" Sahara snarled. "You literally abducted me!" She hissed and he didn't move or change his expression.

"Technically, no. I didn't abduct you. I just took you to the side." he disagreed.

Sahara snorted and rolled her eyes. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Heatwave. You're Sahara, right?" Heatwave affirmed. Sahara nodded and the SandWing grinned with all his teeth. "I hope you were. Dolphin has been telling us all about you."

Sahara's scowl faded into a slight smile. He really knew who Dolphin was. But it didn't last long. "Who's us?" she scowled. "There's others?" Heatwave nodded and put one wing over her back.

"Well, of course." he answered, walking her to the entrance of the city. "Dolphin sent me to come and get you."

Out of the Scorpion Den, Heatwave took to the air and beckoned Sahara to follow him. "Why?" Sahara wondered.

"She wanted me to teach you how to use your new power." he said.

New power? Sahara frowned. You mean that weird thing that's making my talons tingle? They flew for a while until they landed by a few cacti. Heatwave cut a arm off one of them and picked a thorn. "Now," he instructed, holding the thorn by the bottom as he raised in into the moonlight. "I want you to enchant this thorn to do something. It doesn't matter what." He gave the thorn to her and she scowled at it. How was she gonna get this thorn to do something? Heatwave backed away an watched her curiously. Well, I do need something to carry stuff in. Her mind mused. Sahara thought the idea was suitable and concentrated. I want this thorn to become a pouch for my neck, big enough to carry small objects. When she opened her eyes, the thorn hummed and jumped out of her claws, shifting and shaking until it became nothing but brown leather. It had a zipper that went to both sides and there was enough room for a least six small objects. Sahara put the pouch around her neck and beamed.

"Well, that explains it." Heatwave applauded. "You're an official SandWing animus."

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now