Chapter 14

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That night, Sahara was restless. She was trying to come up with a way to free Hail from Queen Topaz's control. She had an idea, but she couldn't put it into action without first getting her chains off. Sahara found a clamp that hooked with Vulcan's and tried to unlock it. No use. She looked at Vulcan hopefully, but the SkyWing shook his head. I need Zodiac. Sahara thought.

Suddenly, to Sahara's surprise, Zodiac flew in and was smiling at her. "You called?" she said.

Sahara blinked and nodded. "I need your help getting these chains off." she replied, pointing to her blue chains.

Zodiac didn't hesitate and unhooked Sahara's chains from Vulcan's. She then unlocked a portion to where Sahara was able to slide the chains off. After only two days, Sahara was finally free of her miserable chains. But she still had to be careful. If she was caught, she could get herself killed. She quickly turned to Zodiac and thought, Where can I find Hail? The NightWing pointed out the hole and towards a large tower that was disconnected from the palace.

"That's where most of the talented dragons are held. He should be in there." Zodiac explained.

Sahara nodded and ran for the exit. Then, Zodiac added cautiously, "Be careful. Some of those dragons were enchanted to kill anyone who escaped the prisons. Also, watch out for any patrolling SkyWing guards."

Sahara inhaled and leaped out of the cave. She glided down to the palace's courtyard and landed quietly. She trotted into one of the entrances to the palace and made her way down the dark, stone hall.

All she heard was the small scraping of her claws and distant voices, which sounded like SkyWing guards. The hall was dotted with lit torches and paintings of different SkyWings. Some had red scales, while others had orange or yellow scales. Sahara even saw one with strangely tan - colored scales, holding a scepter. She soon figured all these portraits were those of the previous queens. Some were quite recent, while others were more older. One, however, caught Sahara's eye.

She stopped to look at a large portrait of a queen that had very old features. The SkyWing had orange and red scales and yellow eyes. She seemed to be wearing a gold chest plate with rubies embedded in it. But when Sahara looked back at her face, half of the queen's face was melted. It was as if a RainWing had spitted venom on the SkyWing's face. This portrait didn't have a name to it, which Sahara thought was weird. Why would this one not have a name like the other ones did? Did the SkyWings not want to remember who this queen was?

Tearing her gaze away from the portrait, she knew she didn't have time to linger and look at the different portraits, so she kept going. By the time she reached the end of the hall, it opened up to a vast room, which was dotted with sapphires and rubies. The floor was lined with tiles made from green emeralds and the walls were dark stone. The whole room was filled with gold coins in corners and around the walls. Sahara looked up and saw a large ledge in the wall that was big enough for a dragon to perch on.

Suddenly, the door to the right opened and a large SkyWing poked her head in. Sahara rushed up to the ledge and sat there as the guard looked around, scowling.

"Hello?" she called. She began to walk around the room, searching for the thing she heard. Sahara realized the guard had left the door open and cautiously, flew out without the guard noticing.

Sahara continued through the palace until she came to an archway that led to a bridge. Once she crossed over, Sahara could see the tower. Then, to her disappointment, there was another guard by the entrance. He was a dark red with white underscales and claws. His eyes were two different colors, one red and the other blue. He held a spear in his left talon and wore a silver - chain necklace. His tail lashed from side to side as he stared out into the night.

Sahara wanted to enchant something that could keep the SkyWing guard from seeing her, but she remembered Lavender taking her pouch and the last two animus-touched items she still had. So she couldn't use her magic without risking some of her soul. But it's just one tiny spell. Her mind insisted. I can risk it. Sahara sighed and looked for the nearest item she could enchant.

All she could find was sticks, vines, and small rocks. Or maybe he doesn't have to see me. . . She took one of the vines and small rocks and wrapped the vine around it and then tied it into a knot. She then went behind the nearest tree beside the tower and wrapped it into more vines. Then, she touched the vines with one claw. "Enchant the vines to wrap around the SkyWing's body and snout and drag him until he's stuck to the tree."

Suddenly, the vines crawled behind the guard and wrapped itself to his snout and body. The guard dropped his spear and let out muffled screams, while he lashed his talons and wings at the vines that held him. He was slowly dragged to the tree, still trying to get loose.

Sahara smiled and walked up to the tower's entrance. When the guard saw her, he let out a panicked moan and thrashed. Sahara ignored him and walked into the tower, closing the door behind her.

Inside the tower, it was dark, with few torches to light up the large space. As she walked up the stairs, she could hear the sounds of snoring dragons and sometimes the moaning of several others. At the second level, there were sleeping MudWings and SandWings curled into tight balls and slightly twitching. On every level, each group of sleeping dragons had lanterns that would only light the rooms dimly. Sahara stepped over a small SeaWing sleeping on the stairway, with her body stretched out.

By the time Sahara reached the third level of the tower, she found a large IceWing that was still awake, sitting and looking out the window that viewed the sky.

The IceWing was surprisingly gray with white underscales. His icicle horns were sky-blue while his claws were dark blue. His blue eyes didn't notice Sahara as she crept up to him.

"Hey." she whispered. "Are you Hail?"

The IceWing snorted and glanced, briefly at her. "Who wants to know?" he hissed.

"Sahara." she said, half irritated.

The IceWing nodded. Sahara thought that Hail would've attacked her, but he was calm and almost hard to talk to. He almost didn't even sound like the dragon that had yelled at Zodiac. Sahara watched him for a moment as Hail stared out at the sky. He seemed distant and to himself. As if the stars and moons were the only things he had to keep him company. Abruptly, Hail sighed and faced her, his muscular body dwarfing her's.

"Is there something you want?" he asked, staring down his nose at her. "Cuz I don't usually get visitors like you." He half smiled, as if his own words amused him.

"Um, well," Sahara stammered. "I. . .I, um, I was just wondering about something, that's all. This might sound crazy. . . but it's only to test my theory. Ar. . . are you, I mean, do you think you're under Topaz's influence?"

She braced herself to be yelled at, but all Hail did was bark a small laugh. She winced and hunched her shoulders.

"I'm actually quite glad you asked. That's because I know I'm under the queen's spell." he grinned. Hail stood up and smiled at Sahara. "Let me explain."

The IceWing put one wing, which was quite cold, over Sahara's back and walked her out the tower. "I actually remember the exact spell Topaz casted on me," he explained quietly. "The exact spell was 'Enchant this IceWing to obey my every command and be loyal to me. But during the night, he will have his free will and memory before the spell.' That's kinda how it was for the rest of the dragons here, but theirs are just worded differently."

When they exited the tower, the same SkyWing guard was there staring at them with wide eyes. He didn't thrash, kick, or try to scream for help. He just watched them helplessly.

So I was right. Sahara beamed. Now all I have to do is erase the spell by casting another. But another part reminded her that she needed her pouch and pearl to do it safely. She had already done it once.

"Hail, can I ask you for a favor?" she asked.

"Sure, ask away." Hail agreed.

"This RainWing named Lavender took my pouch that was full of important items and I need to get them back. If you know Lavender, do you know where she might have stored them?"

Hail thought for a second and answered her by saying, "Well of course I know Lavender. And I do know where Queen Topaz keeps all her important things, but it'll be risky. Are you up for the challenge?"

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now