Chapter 9

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In the center of the city, everyone was rushing and flying through. Sahara, Falcon, and Fennec found a quiet spot near a small river and laid in the grass. Falcon shuffled the mirror in his talons and exhaled. He glanced at Sahara and passed the mirror to her. "Here, you should have it." he said. "I'm not really use to using animus-touched things."

Sahara stared down at the stone in her talons and nodded. She tried to remember how Catfish said to use it and held it to her snout. "Dolphin." she whispered. She blew smoke onto it and the smoke began to twist until it became light blue and white. Five more curls of smoke appeared and Sahara knew who they all were. The first was a reddish-orange SandWing, Heatwave. Second was two black dragons standing together. One had blue underscales and the other had purple. So those two were Stargazer and his sister, Moonglobe. Another was jade green and white RainWing that was pacing around the others. Ivy. Sahara thought. The last one was a white and pale green IceWing that was standing beside Dolphin.

"Where is he?" Ivy asked. "He should of been here by now!"

"I saw Falcon with two SandWings, flying to the city." Stargazer informed. Moonglobe nodded and curled her tail around her talons.

"Why was he going there?" Dolphin wondered. Moonglobe shrugged.

"Probably to go see Catfish and Tideglider." the IceWing grimaced.

"Don't be like that, Owl." Dolphin scolded. "I'm sure he's on his way now."

Owl snorted and moved away.

"Does he even know where to meet us?" Heatwave queried.

"We told him to meet us in the pavilion in the forest. Then he should see a vey large building with several vines and windows. The RainWings should be able to help him get here." Dolphin explained.

Sahara looked up to see Falcon face-palm himself and bare his teeth.

"Of course." he hissed.

Sahara shook the mirror, but it didn't clear up. So, she blew a little fire onto it and everything faded away. She tucked the mirror back into her pouch and looked at Falcon. The SkyWing spread his wings as he stretched.

"Into the forest and into the pavilion." Falcon muttered to himself. They flew out the city and turned back towards the tunnel. Falcon landed in front of a wooden sign that read,
"RainWing pavilion and Meeting Center" in jagged letters. It was carved with blue paint and it seemed like blueberries.

A small dirt pathway entered the thick trees and dense bushes as they walked through. Purple, pink, and yellow flowers grew on numerous bushes and colorful vines climbed up the trees. Stones with white flowers on top alined the pathway and many more colorful flowers dotted the trees. Sahara thought it was beautiful and well-decorated. The RainWings must of put a lot of time into decorating all this. They walked for a few minutes until the pathway split in two. A tall sign stood in the middle and had two different word colors. The arrow pointing to the left with a bright green color went to the pavilion. The arrow pointing to the right with dark red color went to more open forest.

Sahara guessed that the open forest was for hunting purposes. They took the arrow to the left and after another minute of walking, the forest opened up to a massive size. Large stone platforms overlooked the entire area. They sat on stone pillars that were covered with colorful flowers and vines. Buildings and huts were made from wood and moss. Most of the structures had windows, but the huts didn't. Flower shops and fruit stands were stationed in different places around the pavilion. Hammocks hung from the branches in the trees and some sloths were visible inside them. Sahara could see RainWings of all colors walking and flying around. She noticed one of them looked just like Queen Rosemarine. The RainWing recognized them and flew over. She was white with red spots. She had small, red freckles on her snout and below her eyes.

Wings of Fire #1: Sahara's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now