Chapter 1: Deranged Fate

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A/N: As I said in the other Naruto story I genuinely cannot believe people are still reading these- I started writing WattPad stories when I was 16. Bros I am 19, I really wanna rewrite most of these because they really seem like a child wrote them...

Second Person POV

Letter to Future Self:

(Insert a random date here)

My name is Y/N L/n. I'm currently sitting at my desk writing this for homework. I'm supposed to talk about my life I guess. When I turn 20 I'm supposed to look back and reflect on this, is what my teacher said anyway. Well, future me, where are we? Did we get married to someone similar to Naruto? I guess in the real world it's not possible. If I could be in the Naruto Universe, oh how happy I would be. Do we still watch Anime? If not, what are you doing with your pathetic excuse of a life? If we got a job... Well we probably got fired so it doesn't matter. We're most likely sitting around binge eating while watching Anime still. I wouldn't be mad if so, honestly that's my ideal. But seriously I wonder what we are doing in the future. I guess that's the point of this letter. Well I don't really have anything else to ask or say. But if by some miracle we got into the Naruto Universe, then please hurry up future. I would really like to flirt with Naruto and get married to him. Do they allow same sex marriage in Naruto? If not we can be the first. Look at me wishing for the impossible. Life isn't really fair is it? I get bullied for being gay, get abused by my Aunt and her husband, I have lovely depression, and much more! Life sure is amazing! I wonder if the future is any better? Oh well. That is if I live to see the day. Anyway, that's all I got. Have a good life I guess?

Sincerely, Young Y/N

After finishing your letter to your future self for school, you hear a knock on your door. You get up and open it revealing your 8 year old twin cousins, "Y/N!" They jump on you knocking you to the ground, "Come play with us!" You smile at them, "sure, I just finished my homework." They cheered dragging you outside, but before they could you heard someone clearing their throat. "Where do you think you're going?" The twins looked at their mother, "Y/N is coming outside to play with us!" Your Aunt gave you an evil glare, "If he tries running away call for me." She said before heading into the living room.

"It's alright Y/N! If mom tries to hit you again, we'll hit her back!" The twins say in union making you laugh, "I can't allow you guys to do that. She may end up hurting you as well. Then who will take care of everyone?" The twins look at each other and back at you nodding in agreement.

The twins were always caring towards you, they even went against their mom. You've always cared deeply about them as well, the only ones preventing you from leaving. You couldn't bare leaving them with a witch and her husband.


Time-Skip later that night


You were currently on your way to put the twins to sleep when you heard one of them scream. You quickly ran to their room to see someone with a knife. What is a thief doing in a kids bedroom? You quickly ran to the twins, "What do you want?!" You yelled to the hooded figure. Unfortunately the hooded figure wasn't going to listen. Instead they ran towards the three of you, your Aunt came to the door. You hurried and pushed the twins her way, she grabbed them and ran. You would have as well, but something was already penetrating your flesh.

You felt blood drip from your stomach, I guess I didn't have a future after all. Before the hooded figure could get away, you pulled the knife out of your flesh and stabbed them in a vital spot. "You think I would let you get away that easy?" You asked with a smirk. The hooded figure dropped to the floor. Before it was your time, you wanted to see who would want to kill 8 year old kids. You took the mask off to reveal your uncle, "I'm not surprised honestly." Your vision started to fade away until there was nothing left to see but black.




You tried opening your eyes, Am I still alive? That's not possible. "Oh, you're not alive." You slowly opened your eyes to a beautiful girl.

" You slowly opened your eyes to a beautiful girl

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"Umm, I don't mean to be rude. But, who are you?" You asked the girl, standing up. "Oh, sorry! I'm Fate." You tilted your head, "Fate as in Fate Fate? Or your name is Fate?" She laughed a bit, "Right it would be confusing for humans. I am Fate, the Fate that controls some humans lives. There are many Fates, I am in control of your bloodline."

"Ok. So where am I? The after life?" "I guess it's something like that. Except, you weren't meant to die. Your twin cousins were. That's my mistake. I should have made sure you stayed out of that room." You looked at her panicked, "Are the twins safe?!" She nodded, "Thanks to you they get to live a long life. And since it is my mistake, a rule is to will grant the person three wishes. But first you get to pick where you would like to continue your life. Any Universe."

"You're kidding?" She shook her head. "So I can really live in the Naruto world?" She nodded, "You will continue as the age you are now. But you can never head back to your old Universe if you choose another one. It would be considered what you humans call miracles, that is if you wish to head back to your Universe."

"I would like to, I don't want to be apart from the twins. But it's a dream come true to be in the Naruto world. And I won't be able to protect them anyway. Their Aunt loves them, and she does take good care of them." You thought for a few more minutes, "I've made up my mind. I'm going to the Naruto Universe."

"Ok then, so what are your three wishes for this Universe?"

"Umm..." You thought for a bit.

"One: Infinite Chakra

Two: All bloodlines, meaning I want all 28 Kekkei Genkai.

And Three: The power of Resurrection."

"Resurrection?" Fate asked. "There are a few people I wish to save. But these people die, I want to have the power to bring them back with no consequences." She nods, "Since this Universe is considered fiction where you come from, it will be easy. Ok, are you ready?" You nod. "I want to tell you, most of your power will be put into your eyes." You look at her, "Like Sharingan and the others?" She nodded. "Cool! I can be part of the powerful eyes group." She laughed.

"Well Y/N, I wish you luck on your future endeavors. I hope to meet you again in the future. Of course not for death, but in general." You smile at her, "Me too Fate!" "Goodbye Y/N." "Goodbye Fate." With that she teleported you to the Naruto Universe.




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