Chapter 6: Festival

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You've now been in the Anbu for 7 months, you're a natural. So much so, they put you on your own mission. For this mission you are to go to some unknown location because there have been reports that (random name) has been spotted. They're in the Bingo Book, so your objective is to kill them.


You were currently scouting the area to find the person, using Byakugan to find any hidden location or the person themselves. After around an hour or so you heard talking. You couldn't pick up anything they were saying, but you recognized all of them. Surprisingly there were actually 5 people in the Bingo Book right there, including the one you were looking for. 

Without a second thought you activated your sharingan and slaughtering them. You had the one left that you had originally come for. "P-Please! I-I didn't-" Before he could say anything else, you killed him. Right after you felt another presence, so you shifted your blade in the general direction sharingan still activated; not like anyone can see with your mask on anyway.

You turned to see Itachi standing there. (Internally fangirling for me, I'd literally freak out)

"Itachi?" You said slowly. "What the hell are you doing here? Wait... Did I kill someone you needed information from?" You laugh nervously, "Sorry about that, I didn't know you needed them." He looked at you confused, "Do I know you?" You shook your head, "I'm kind of new in the Leaf. I just got there around 8-9 months ago or something."

Silence followed, just him observing you. Until you leaned up against a tree, "If you have any questions ask away." 

"You don't seem to freaked out. Aren't I in the Bingo Book as well?" You nodded, "Well yea, but I wasn't ordered to kill you. Even if I was I wouldn't."

"And why not?"

"Well many reasons, the main one though: you don't deserve to die." Itachi was quite shocked with this answer but kept his composure, "even though I killed my whole clan?" 

"Not like it was your fault anyway." Itachi was ready to speak when there was another presence, to which both of you took notice to, and Itachi turned to face their direction. It was another person in the Bingo Book. "Another one, man you guys like never end." They looked and noticed the people they were supposed to meet were killed so they tried to run away. Of course you didn't let them, you ran past Itachi and grabbed the person pushing them to the ground. 

You know that scene of Sai? Yea, that's how you held them down.

You know that scene of Sai? Yea, that's how you held them down

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(Look at Sai :^)

"So umm, Itachi." Itachi was watching you the whole time. "Wanna like, hangout or something? I'm kinda bored." Just image how confused Itachi would be. Some random stranger asks to hangout even knowing he's a Rogue T.T

You killed the person and stood up, "I'll take that as a yes. Let's go!" You tried to grab Itachi's wrist but he didn't allow it. "Oh come on. I don't bite." This time you activated your sharingan and hurried to grab his wrist catching him off guard. (Itachi off guard? Weird)

You guys were now outside a small village that was holding a festival, and everyone was wearing kimonos. Your eyes lit up at the sight, "Itachi let's buy kimonos and join everyone!" Before he could protest you had already run off. Itachi was thinking about leaving, but something inside of him told him to stay.

A few minutes later you came back with a white kimono and a blue one. You gave Itachi the blue one, "here you go! I'll go get changed over there. Tell me when you're done." For some reason Itachi just couldn't say no, he knows deep down he really wants to take a break and do something fun, something he can no longer do anymore. So he put the kimono on, "Are you done?" "Yea."

You walk towards Itachi while wearing the white kimono, still wearing your mask. "Wowowow, Itachi you look great! You literally look good in anything, it's really not fair. Could you give me some good looks?" You ask fake pouting. "Anyway, let's go. I heard they were letting off fireworks tonight and I'm excited!" Itachi really couldn't figure you out.


The first thing you guys did was get snacks.

"Itachi look! They have dango!" Itachi's eyes lit up. Pssh, I knew dango would make him happy. You dragged him to the dango stall, "can I get four sticks of dango please?" The old man smiled at you, "Of course. That'll be (insert amount here T.T)." You hand the old man the amount thanking him, grabbing the dango, and handing Itachi two sticks. You saw they were drawing pictures of people so you dragged Itachi towards the artist, "Would you guys like to be drawn?" You nodded furiously handing the woman the amount she said. You sat down on the bench with Itachi. 

"Would you like to be drawn with the mask on or off?" You thought for a moment, "I guess it will be fine to take it off for a bit. Nobody here knows me after all." You took the mask off and the woman began drawing the two of you. After around 30-50 minutes she was done; the picture was of you and Itachi sitting together on a bench eating dango and socializing, "here you are." You took the picture and smiled, "I've always wanted somebody to draw me. This is beautiful! Thank you so much." The woman smiled at you, "You're welcome. I hope you and your brother have a lovely time here." 

"We will!" You and Itachi walked away.

"Brother?" You looked towards Itachi, "It's fine. I see you as my brother anyway." Itachi thought about the word and imagined Sasuke calling for him when he got home. "Hey don't be so down. I can be your brother today and every other day. I'm not Sasuke of course, but I believe I make a much better brother." You pointed proudly at yourself and Itachi stifled out a laugh. "See I knew you would agree, now let's get going. I heard people over-talking that the best place to see the fireworks is on that hill." 

You and Itachi sat on the hill talking for a couple of hours before you heard the fireworks going off, you both looked and the view was amazing. Fireworks of many different kinds and colors. 

Your and Itachi's eyes sparkled at the sight

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Your and Itachi's eyes sparkled at the sight. You looked over to see Itachi smiling widely, you could tell he wasn't thinking about anything that was bothering him before. I'm glad I could get your mind off of everything, even if just for a while.




I wanted a chapter for Itachi T.T I did something like this in my other Naruto book, I just need to give Itachi love because he really needs it T.T They really did him wrong :(

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