Chapter 8: It's a Girl!

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I forgot to mention, the person you are protecting is wearing a huge cloak so you can't see who it is. It wasn't important in the last chapter since I didn't mention really anything about them. But this chapter you need to know.

Edit: I literally forgot to publish this yesterday T.T I'm so sorry :(




You kinda feel upset that Naruto can't tell that behind the mask it's you, then again you have changed quite immensely over the past couple years. You literally grew a whole foot! It's not normal -_-  You went from 4'11 to 6'1 over the past two and a half years or so... I'm not short, but teach me T.T 

It's been a week since you and Naruto talked atop the tree, you're now guarding the said important person in an abandoned building. Why? Well... It seems things got a lot more complicated while you were on the trail. 

There were so many people coming after this person, which made all of you wonder what's so special about what this person has. So you decided to ask because nobody else was. Kakashi probably told the other two, not to pry into it. But you aren't under dadashi's order now are you? 

"Oi." The person looked up at you scared, I mean they did almost just die many times. Everyone was now looking at you, "What exactly is it that they're after? I don't have a problem killing anyone if they come here, but this is getting ridiculous. You don't have to tell me, but I'd prefer to know exactly what I'm protecting." Everyone was curious as well, though this person must not have told Tsunade either. 

They sighed and took off their cloak showing a pregnant woman, "You're protecting my child." Everyone was shocked except you, "Oh, alright then." With that you headed back to guard, "Wait!" You turned to the woman, "Aren't you going to ask why they are after my baby?" You shook your head, "It doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to know what or who I was protecting. I don't need to know why; I mean the child hasn't been born yet, it's important to protect them until they are old enough." The woman was speechless at your words. 

You never change Y/n, Kakashi thought to himself.

"Well nonetheless I still owe you an explanation. Please have a seat." You took a seat beside the other three and the woman started.

"To be honest with you all... My child is of royal blood."

"Royal blood?" Naruto asked, "from where?"

"(Insert random kingdom/village type thing :P)."

Kakashi's eyes widened, "But the king/ruler was murdered a month ago. There was never anything said about another royal blood."

"I'm just a commoner that fell in love with the King/ruler when I was a little girl. He had also fallen in love with me. Our relationship was kept hidden, as well as our child. But not too long ago people started finding out. They weren't happy because a royal blood is supposed to marry another royal blood to keep a pure bloodline." The woman started to tear up. "That's why he was murdered. Right before he died he told me to run away with our child. And I've been running since."

"So you've been running for almost a month?" The woman nodded, "What about the baby? How far are you?" 

"I was supposed to be in labor a couple of weeks ago. But I can't have my child under these circumstances. What if someone comes and kills them?" The woman was now crying in her hands.

"Kakashi." Kakashi looked at you, "I need Sakura in here. You and Naruto make sure no one gets past you." Kakashi nodded. "What are you going to do?" The woman asked. "It's now are never ma'am. I had been present for my twin cousins birth, I know what to do." 

The woman freaked out, "That seems like you were only present for one birth. How could yo-" You looked into her eyes, "Ma'am you have no time to complain. Sakura is a medical ninja, she will be helping me."

Naruto and Kakashi went outside the abandoned building to make sure no one got through. You told Sakura to get some water and towels, and you took your mask off. Sakura came back, "Y/-" You shut her up before she said anything, "Shh." Sakura understood and handed you the things. You got to work, trying to relieve the woman's pain as much as you could.

A/N: I don't really wanna add details about the birth, so let's jut skip that, yea? :D

After about 2 to 3 hours the baby was finally born. "It's a girl." You smiled cleaning the baby and wrapping her in a towel, proceeding to hand her to the woman. "Thank you." The woman thanked crying tears of joy. "We're done!" You yelled as Sakura was smiling at the woman who was now talking to her newborn child.

Kakashi walked in before Naruto, "mask." He said gesturing for you to put your mask on. You of course were too busy to remember. Right when Naruto was coming in, you put your mask back on. "I had Pakkun and the others search for anyone else, they couldn't sense anyone for miles, so we should be good for a while." You nodded, "She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl." Kakashi gave you an eye smile, "Ab/n, I didn't know you were a doctor." You gave him a deadpan face, "Haha, very funny." You turned back to the woman, "We'll rest here until you feel ready to move. Where exactly are you planning to stay?"

"Well I didn't have anywhere in particular. I was just wanting you guys to escort me somewhere far." You knelt down to her level, "Well then, why don't you just stay in the Hidden Leaf?" Everyone including the woman were shocked at your offer. "I- I couldn't possibly! Not after you guys did all this." You laughed, "Don't worry, the Leaf will except you. We'll also be able to protect you and your child. A new mother such as yourself shouldn't be alone out there. Especially if there are people after you."

The woman started crying and tried her best to pull you into a hug without squishing her child. "Thank you so much!" You hugged her back and pulled away after a few seconds, "Now. What is her name?"

"I would like to name her after you." Your eyes widened, "W-wait a moment! You can't just name your kid any name like that! It has to be something special!" The woman laughed, "You saved my child and I's lives. It's the least I can do to repay you. I know she will be happy to be named after her savior." You blushed out of embarrassment at the woman's answer, not that anyone could see anyway.

"Well I mean, it is your choice. Very well then." You whispered in the woman's ear your name. "My what a lovely name! But how come they call you Ab/n?" 

"It's my code name. I'm also not allowed to take my mask off, but as long as they don't know, I'll be fine. Sakura Naruto, if you dare tell anyone I will kill you guys." You could fell the fear coming from them and you laughed, "I'm just kidding! You guys think I will actually kill you? I could never." Sakura sighed, "Man, you're always like this." Naruto spoke, "That's right! I seen you put your mask on right before I came in here. That means everyone knows what you look like but me." Naruto pouted. "That's not fair."

You walked over and rubbed his hair, "You'll know soon Naruto."

A sense of nostalgia washed over Naruto.




Haha, cliff hanger >:D

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