Chapter 2: Team 7

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Ummm, I just read there are 30 Kekkei Genkai... Yea we'll pretend I said that in the past chapter T.T I thought there were 28!


The outfit you're wearing 

It had been a couple hours since you were teleported to the Naruto Universe

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It had been a couple hours since you were teleported to the Naruto Universe. You actually passed out, this happens when one is teleported to another universe. You gently try to open your eyes; you feel the heat of the sun embrace your skin. "How long have I been out?" You question yourself standing up. Suddenly you hear a voice, the voice of Fate. "Y/N there is one thing I need to tell you."

"How are you talking to me right now? Where are you?" 

"It's something I can do with the bloodline I'm in charge of. Anyway, when using the power of resurrection you can only resurrect from one's body. No body no Resurrection. And you will have a time limit to resurrect, only those who have died within 24 hours. Any longer than 24 hours and they can't be resurrected. That's all for now, unless I remember something else."

"Alright, thank you Fate!" Fate hums in response and cuts your connection.

"Now let me see, which way should I go? Let's follow my gut!" You followed the direction your gut led you to, walking about ten minutes when you heard someone yell. Your instinct automatically kicked in and you started running as fast as you could to the yell.

When you arrived you saw Sakura running from some creep. "Well I guess I don't have to look for the village." You said in a whisper. You immediately grabbed the guy by his collar, "Now what would you be doing chasing such a hopeless girl? Can't you see she wants no part of you?" He looked at you angrily, "You brat! You got a death wish?!" He tried to swing at you, but you grabbed his arm with your other hand and threw him on the ground. "Run away before you regret it." You said towards him coldly. 

The man got scared of the daggers in your eyes and ran away. "Thank you so much!" You turned to Sakura. "I had wandered away from my team and got lost, I asked that man for directions and he just started chasing me." You nodded, "It's no problem, but where is your group? Do you know the direction you came from?" She shook her head. You activated your Byakugan from the Kekkei Genkai and looked around, "Ah, this way!" You grabbed Sakura's wrist and ran towards the others.

After a few minutes of running you came to a stop, "we're here." Kakashi looked your way, "Sakura where were you?" "Sorry Kakashi-Sensei I got lost in my thoughts and strayed away." She then turned to you, "Thank you so much! I don't know how you found them, but I'm grateful." You nodded at her, "Who is he?" Kakashi asked Sakura. "He was the one that found you guys."

Kakashi walked up to you, "Thank you for bringing my student back." He gave you his signature eye smile. "No need to thank me, I just happened to hear her call for help." He gave you a confused look, "call for help?" "Yea, some creep was chasing after me and he dealt with him." Kakashi smiled again, "sorry for giving you so much trouble, but I'm grateful you helped Sakura. Is there anyway we can repay you?" (This doesn't fit Kakashi's character much, but oh well.)

"Well I noticed your headbands. I would love to accompany you guys to the Hidden Leaf. If you are still on a mission, I could help." Kakashi nods, "Well we just got finished with our mission and were on our way back. You must have been on your way as well?" You nodded, "Yea, I want to become a shinobi in the Hidden Leaf." 

"Well then, our encounter must be 'fate'." You nodded, "Probably more than it seems."

Just then you heard whining, you and Kakashi turned to the noise. "Teme! That's not fair!"

Naruto and Sasuke just returned from wherever they were.

"Well it seems we can get going." Kakashi stated. He started walk with you following and Sakura by your side, "You didn't tell us your name yet." Kakashi turned, "yea sorry, I forgot to ask as well." "It's Y/N. Y/N L/N." They nodded and Kakashi turned back around. "So Y/N. Where are you fro-" Sakura got cut off, "Who are you?" You turned to see Naruto standing in front of you, causing you to come to a stop. "His name is Y/N. Now back off Naruto I was talking to him!" 

Naruto closed his eyes like he usually does when thinking, "Sakura what's so great about this guy?" "Pfft-" You laughed a little causing Sakura's eyes to widen, "You haven't laughed or even smiled this whole time!" Naruto is jealous. I don't even like girls and he thinks I hit on Sakura.

(If you do also like girls. No you don't :3 I am making you 100% gay. For Naruto that is.)

"What are you laughing at me for?" You smirked and looked into his eyes, "You're just really cute." You winked at him before following Kakashi again who let out a small laugh at your response. Sakura and Naruto were dumbfounded with Naruto blushing furiously, and Sasuke could honestly care less.

(I also forgot to say. Your chakra will be hidden. Meaning nobody can feel it, that is until I say so.)

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