Chapter 11: The Next Morning And a Life Saved

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I'm sorry for not updating for a couple days T.T I wanted to take a break for one day (Friday) and write a couple chapters Saturday. But luck was not on my side :D Wattpad was not working for me yesterday >.< I'm writing this chapter early in the morning which is nice, but I needed to write something as soon as I got up. Again I'm truly sorry TT.

I'm also happy that I am writing this on Naruto's birthday! Happy birthday to the loveliest Shinobi ever!




You awoke to Naruto still in your arms; you thought it was a dream, but turns out he actually confessed to you yesterday. You remember how flushed and nervous he was, and you thought it was the cutest thing. At least now you'd be able to tell your past self, somehow your dream of marrying the main character in your favorite Anime came true. Well... Sort of. You're not married, but you are together now. You still can't believe it though. It's like you're in a dream, a dream you never want to wake up from.

You felt squirming in your arms, noticing Naruto has woken up. You had been staring at him this whole time. He also thought last night was a dream, so when he woke up in your arms he became flushed once again. "Good morning." You say smiling to the embarrassed blond. He averts his eyes from yours, "M-morning."

You kissed his forehead catching him off guard making him almost fall from the bed, but you held him tighter so he didn't. "Why are you so nervous? We already kissed last night." You said still smiling. Naruto's eyes widened a bit, "I-I thought that part was just another dream." 

"Nope- Wait... You dreamed we kissed before?" You asked smirking at him causing him to bury his face in your chest. Remember, you're still shirtless. "Do you like putting your face on my bare chest or something?" He quickly covered his face with his hands, "I forgot!" You laughed at his antics, "I mean... I don't mind. I actually like it." Naruto looked up at you noticing you were still staring at him, "Ah, stop staring at me!" He covered his face once more. How adorable! You thought to yourself.

"Oh. You finally confessed to each other?" You looked towards the door to see Sakura standing there smiling. "Naruto was too shy to confess at first yesterday, so I decided to initiate a kiss first." You stated, as a matter of fact. Naruto threw a blanket over himself, you and Sakura laughed. "Well it seems you are finally up, and you're perfectly fine. You just needed rest." You nodded and sat up setting your feet on the floor, leaving Naruto sulking under the blanket out of embarrassment.

"What about you Sakura?" She tilted her head. "Have you confessed yet?" You asked smirking. She started blushing, "I- How did you know?!" You laughed. "Wait doesn't Sakura-Chan like Sasuke?" Naruto asked pulling the blanket off himself. Sakura shook her head, "I got over my crush on him a while ago." "Hmm? Well then, who do you like?" Sakura's blush get even darker, "No one!" 

"Don't lie Sakura. She likes Hinata." You said aloud like a proud brother. "Ooooo" Naruto teased. As if on cue Hinata walked in catching Sakura off guard. "I thought I heard your voice Y/n." You smiled at the purple haired girl, "Hello Hinata." She smiled at you, "Are you feeling better?" You nodded, "Of course. After all, Sakura was the one looking after me. You know Hinata, maybe you should look after Sakura. She looks out for others but herself. Poor girl needs someone by her side forever." You and Naruto nodded your heads pouting your lips for the said pink-haired girl who was ready to curse the two of you.

Hinata blushed and nodded, "Of course. As long as Sakura doesn't mind." The two girls were literally so oblivious to the others feelings it's sad. Sakura blushed and smiled at Hinata, "Of course I don't mind Hinata." 

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