Chapter 15: I Love You🍋

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I'm truly sorry for not updating this earlier. I was going to yesterday, but I kinda forgot I had a meeting for my spring classes :[

If you're confused, this story is already set as completed. But I'm writing a few more chapters of life after the war.

Anyways... I'm writing it now, so please enjoy :D




It's been a couple years since the 4th Great Ninja War. You and Naruto are now 18/19. You thought now is the chance to take things to the next level. To be honest though... How exactly are you going to tell Naruto? He's always had a crush on one girl before you came along. Not to mention he's like his master, pervy; not like we all aren't. But does he even know two guys can do 'it'.

So now is the challenge to ask Naruto, or just make your move. You're kind of scared. What if it becomes awkward because Naruto doesn't want to do it? Or he doesn't know how. Well, if he doesn't know how it would actually be cute, you can do all the action and pleasure him.

While you were deep in your thoughts a certain blond shinobi made his way behind you, "BAH!" You though were too deep in your thoughts to hear anything. "Y/n-Chan?" Naruto appeared in front of you, yet you still didn't budge and kept walking. This made the blond confused waving his hand in front of your face.

He did this for a minute until he decided to shake you. You looked up, "Huh? Naruto? Why are you shaking me?" You were nervous because your ramen loving boyfriend was now in front of you. "You weren't answering me. You didn't even budge when I tried to scare you." He pouted. You laughed a little petting his head, "I'm sorry Naruto. I'm just lost in my thoughts." Yea, maybe you shouldn't have told him that...

"I something wrong?! You can tell me! After all I am really good at helping people. I especially want to help you Y/n-Chan! If there is anything I can do to help, you can tell me!" He pointed to himself proudly. I can't because it's about you Naruto. And don't say things like that so casually when you don't know what I want. You were getting turned on just thinking about what you wanted from the blond. Shoot! You felt a certain friend start to come alive, so what did you do? Of course the most logical thing...

You ran away.

Naruto was now really confused thinking he did something wrong. Which made him really upset at himself. But instead of moping around he ran after you. Where did you go? You may ask. Well, where else? You and Naruto's shared room of course. You went straight (gay) to the bathroom as soon a you got inside.

It didn't help that moments later, the one that made you this way, followed you to your shared room. He knocked on the bathroom door, "Y/n-Chan, are you ok?" He asked worriedly. He noticed you went straight to the bathroom, thinking you must actually be sick and weren't trying to avoid him.

"Y-yea... I um, just need a moment alone." You lied. Since you and Naruto have known each other for a while he noticed. "Y/n I know you're lying." He's not using chan. He almost always calls me chan now. He's dead serious. How the hell am I supposed to tell him, 'Oh, I'm just having perverted thoughts about you, causing me to get a boner out of no where!'

"Y/n." He said sternly, "I'm worried about you. If you're sick you need to tell me so I can take care of you." Oh my lord Diavolo he's so sweet T.T I really don't know how to tell him.

Instead you decided to crack the door open just peeping your head through, now showing a worried whiskered boyfriend. You laughed nervously, "It's really nothing love." This name caught Naruto of guard. He's so cute! God of Anemo, I really want to pin this boy on the bed.

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