Chapter 5: Saying Goodbye

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It's been a while since you started training team 7, yes training not training with; along with going on a couple missions. You and Naruto went out for ramen every now and then. You even stayed with Naruto one night and, let's just say you were freaking out internally.




You and Naruto had just finished eating at Ichiraku when you were on your way to your apartment. You forgot to give Naruto his, idk just think of something, I need a reason for you to go to his apartment :D

It was a few minutes before you reached his apartment and knocked on his door. He opened it, "Huh? Y/n-Chan? What are you doing here?" You scratched the back of your head, "I came to give this back to you, I forgot." He turns his head like a puppy, "You could have just given it to me tomorrow during training."

"Did you forget we don't have training tomorrow?" He laughed a bit, "Right. Well, you could have just found me or something." You gave him the said object, "Well I most likely would have forgotten." As if an Archon had heard your love, they made it start raining. Before you could get wet Naruto pulled you into his room, "It doesn't seem as though it will stop for a while. You can just stay the night with me."

You almost choked on your saliva, "Right. Well then, umm. Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" You and Naruto are around the same size right now, so you can easily fit into his clothes. He gave you some clothes, "You can take a shower first." You nodded and headed towards the bathroom. 

A/N: I don't actually know if Naruto has a bathroom? :D I only remember him having just a room, please tell me if I'm wrong T.T

After around 10 minutes you were out of the bathroom. Naruto looked at you wearing his clothes, "Wow! You look good wearing such a bright color. Why do you always wear black?" You blushed at how oblivious he was to say such things. "I was thinking of changing sometime; for now I'll just stick with black." Naruto nodded, "If you do change, wear white. I think it would bring out your eyes." You blushed even more, "I was thinking about white as well." Naruto smiled before heading to take a shower.

"Does this guy even know what he's doing to me?! Gosh it's way worse seeing him up close. And him saying things like that to my face! My heart can't take it T.T"

You set some sheets and pillows on the floor to sleep. Naruto being himself would probably inquire how he should sleep on the floor because you're a guest. But what he actually says catches you of guard.

You heard the bathroom door open and seen Naruto come out (Pfft, come out). "Y/n-Chan, what are you doing?" You looked at him, "What's it look like? I'm laying sheets down to sleep on." Naruto walked to you while drying his hair, "no, just sleep on the bed with me." You stopped what you were doing. "What?" Your eyes went wide.

"What's the problem? We're both guys." Your heart broke a bit, right. Of course he wouldn't see anything wrong with it. We're both guys and he only see's me as a friend. Ouch, friendzone. Not like I didn't expect it, but it still hurts. You laughed a bit, "right. Well then." You picked the sheets up folding them and putting them on a chair. Naruto was already lying down in the bed, you following right after. You were both turned away from each other, so your backs were facing together.

It was quiet for a few minutes until Naruto spoke, "Y/n-Chan." You hummed in response. "Where did you live before we met you? You kind of just came out of no where."

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