Chapter 9: An Unexpected Turn

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You were almost to the Hidden Leaf. Every now and then when you guys needed to keep moving, you would carrying the woman on your back and Sakura would hold the baby. Not the best conditions for a new born, but you couldn't stay in the open for weeks. 

"There it is, in the distance." The woman looked up from your shoulder and smiled, "I'm glad. I have to thank you all again." You shook your head, "As I said, there is no need to thank us. We're happy to help, right guys?" Everyone nodded as you guys approached the village. Izumo and Kotetsu, the two that are always guarding the front gate, greeted all of you. You guys headed straight for the Hokage's tower.

You knocked on the door and heard a come in. You opened the door and walked in with the others following, "Tsunade-Sama." Tsunade greeted all of you with a head bow, "Who is this?" You let the woman down, "This is the important person you assigned us to protect. I'm guessing she didn't give you any details about herself."

You told Tsunade the report of your mission, Sakura gave the woman her baby back.

"I see. Well, since the circumstance has come to this, welcome to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I'll get a room set for you; but since you're still healing, I recommend staying in the hospital with your baby until we conclude there is nothing wrong." The woman gave an understanding nod and Sakura led her out to head for the hospital.

Now it was just you, Naruto, and Kakashi left with Tsunade. "Tsunade-Sama." She gestured you to continue, "I would like to go on one last mission as a member of the Anbu, if that is alright?" Tsunade sighed, "You and Naruto are so much alike; you want another mission right after you just came back from one."

"Very well then. It is your last mission in the Anbu after all. I'll discuss it with them to see one fit, for now just wait." You nodded.

You and Naruto left the office, Kakashi stayed behind to speak with the Hokage. It was a silent walk until Naruto spoke, "So leaving the Anbu, does that mean you take the mask off?" You nodded. "Then... Will you let me see what you look like?!" He asked smiling. You walked away from him, only leaving after saying, "You already know, Naruto." Naruto's eyes widen, yet before he could say something you disappeared.


You're now heading out for your last mission in the Anbu with your team. You heard from Tsunade that there was a group that's a threat to Naruto. And since it's your job to protect him, she assigned this to you personally; of course though, you decided to bring your team since the said group seems serious.

While you were gone Naruto was still wondering where you were. You as in Y/n, not Ab/n. Yes, he's too dumb to figure out you are Ab/n. He asked Tsunade about it, she told him you were on a mission. "What mission? Why did he go alone? Is it too late for me to follow?" Tsunade sighed, "I know Y/n wanted to tell you himself, but he'd be too nervous. He believes you won't look at him the same." Naruto tilted his head, "Look at him different? How?" 

"Naruto, Y/n has been killing many people over the past couple years. Even though most of these people are bad, Y/n was forced to kill innocents as well. He doesn't even look at himself the same anymore. He sees himself as a machine, even though he doesn't want to be."

"I don't understand. Why would Y/n have to kill people?" Naruto asked with a worried expression. "He's been spending these past couple years training to get strong enough to protect you, as well as get rid of the people who want to hurt you. The only way he'd be able to do this without harming his reputation in others eyes is-"

Naruto's eyes widened, "The Anbu..." Tsunade nodded. "So that means, he's the one that went on the mission with us?" "Correct."

"But why? Why didn't he just tell me?" 

"It's not that simple Naruto. He already risked himself by showing his face to the woman and Sakura. And... He couldn't face you. It wasn't even easy with the mask on."

"But I don't see him any different. He's still Y/n."

"In Y/n's mind, he thinks differently. When he gets back, you can talk to him. But just wait for now, alright?" As hesitant as Naruto was, he agreed. Now he just has to wait a couple more days. 

Days turned into weeks.

And weeks turned into months.

And then Jiraiya's death, along with the attack on Konoha. 

All this time Naruto was thinking about you; wondering if you were eating and sleeping plenty. Hell, he just wanted to know if you were alive. When he lost Jiraiya he couldn't eat or sleep himself. Yet thinking you were dead brought him over the edge. He told Kakashi he wanted to go look for you. Kakashi was also really worried. None of your team as been heard from, and the attack on Konoha made him worry even more. 

As if on cue someone called out to Kakashi.


So what were you doing all these months? 

When you reached the area this group was, you infiltrated silently. Everything was going exceptionally well, too well in fact. An unknown enemy appeared, almost your whole team was instantly killed. Only the few strong of you remained, and that's exactly what this guy wanted.

You weren't strong enough to take him, yet you weren't so weak to where he could kill you. There now remained two on your team, including you. The two of you were tied in something to prevent you from using any jutsu, and you were taken away. 

How long has it been? You don't know. You were only focused on getting your remaining teammate out. This teammate is one you're closest with. You guys clicked as soon as your team was formed, and you've been close since. You didn't want to lose them, so you did your best to free them. 

It took time, but you figured out the guys schedule, and you managed to free your friend. "Y/n I can't leave you." They started to tear up, "You have to. He'll be back soon and I have to distract him while you make a run for it. Go to the village and tell Kakashi, he'll know what to do." They nodded, "Don't die, Y/n." You laughed weakly, "Am I that weak to you? Now go." They were hesitant, but they ran. They ran as fast as they could to the village.




I'm starting the next chapter now :P

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