Chapter 7: Back Home, Where Are You?

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I didn't proof read this :P


Ab/n - Anbu name, I don't really have any specific, choose what you want :P

Italics along with "quotes" will be you speaking as an Anbu member.




You were on your way back to the Leaf after hanging with Itachi for another day. You promised him you would hangout again, he of course wasn't sure; he thinks he will be dead by then. Before you left, the two of you became sworn brothers. Why Itachi trusted you so much even after just meeting you? Who knows, maybe it was what his heart was telling him. You even got the two of you matching bracelets ^.^ Yin and Yang to be precise. You have the white and Itachi has the black.

You now just reached the Leaf, heading to turn your mission into the Anbu

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You now just reached the Leaf, heading to turn your mission into the Anbu. You told them how there were 6 people you took out in the Bingo Book in one spot, including the one you were assigned. You moved up in ranks for your outstanding performance over the past 7 months. You're now a Squad Leader, regarded as one with high regard over others.

And thus began your new profound rank. You knew you would be able to protect Naruto now. You're able to give your own orders, that means you now have a full team below you.


You've given orders now for almost two years. It's now time for Naruto to return. You were happy to say the least. Though you wouldn't be able to see him right away, at least not up close. Or you would be able to, but if you do, the mask must stay on. The Anbu is strict about the whole mask procedure.

And there he was. The ramen loving blond in the flesh. He was so beautiful on screen when he was sixteen, but seeing him in person, he was even more handsome than you imagined. You could see him looking around, probably looking for a certain someone, wonder who that is :^

When he was talking to Kakashi you could see a shocked look on his face; you knew Kakashi told Naruto that he wouldn't be able to see you for awhile. Of course he wouldn't tell him you joined the Anbu, it's already strict. If Kakashi told Naruto, he would probably bust the doors down to see you.

After a couple of days you were summoned by the Hokage, meaning it must be time for you to meet with Naruto.


"Grandma Tsunade, why did you call me here? Is it for a mission! I knew you'd come around." Sakura proceeded to hit him on the head, "She didn't just call you here idiot." Kakashi walked in after Sakura. 

"Ab/n." Right after Tsunade said this a random person with a mask showed up.

A/N: Btw, you hit puberty so your voice is pretty deep. Literally unrecognizable.

"Tsunade-Sama." The strange person acknowledged the Hokage. Kakashi already knew who it was, after all, he was there when you became an Anbu member. "I would like you to accompany Team 7 on a mission, as you know, they are missing a couple members." You bowed, "Yes, Tsunade-Sama." Naruto gave you a weird close-eyed look, "Grandma Tsunade, why do we need some random person? I can handle everything myself!" Naruto said proudly pointing to himself. 

"He's there to ensure your safety, as well as be a lookout. Don't question any further, here's your mission." 

Tsunade started to explain the mission. You were to escort an important person to the designated location assigned. "Again?" Naruto whined. You badly wanted to laugh at his antics, but in the Anbu such emotions are not to be used. Of course you still felt everything for the blond on the inside, but on the outside you had to conceal yourself.

"It's not just anyone, Naruto. There will be many strong people after this person because of what they carry. It's up to you guys to escort this said person safely. Got it?" Naruto complained but accepted nonetheless.


You guys were now escorting the important person. Anytime you felt another presence you would stray from the group to kill the threat. Kakashi was in the back walking with you, in case anyone got suspicious he would have to cover you up. This important person didn't know they were being chased down and killed, it was their guardian that wrote to the Hokage. In this person's eyes, they're just being escorted since they're rich. So they more see Team 7 as their servants, and keep asking Naruto to do things for them. Naruto of course was getting annoyed.

Not only were these people after this important person, but they were also after Naruto. That's exactly why Tsunade assigned you with them. 

After sometime, you guys set camp. You had to set a whole freaking house like tent for the person you were escorting. You also thought they were very annoying, but you had no choice but to obey the orders given by the Hokage.

Everyone had their own tent, though your guys' were much smaller; enough to fit one person. Actually, you don't have a tent. You have to be lookout the whole night. You stayed up many nights to train for times like these. You were now able to stay up for weeks without sleep, which literally isn't even human.

 You are also able to hold your breathe for 30 minutes and endure any type of physical endurance for the majority. And you can withstand any poison, as well as tell what type it is and how to cure it. Of course though, you too have your limits; after all, you're only human.

You were currently on watch, it was now around 4AM. Every now and then there would be another presence, and you of course killed them. But what you didn't expect was Naruto to get up so early. You guys were supposed to head out at 7AM, and Naruto never wake up early. You know it wasn't any disturbance, because you killed everyone that tried to come near. Then again, Naruto is a Jinchuriki, of the nine-tails nonetheless.

Naruto looks up at you. You were sitting on a tree the whole time, only leaving to kill any unwanted presence. "Have you been up the whole time?" He asks you in disbelief. You nod in response. Naruto jumps up with you on the tree. 

(You're sitting like this on the tree. Except the leg this guy has straightened, you have hanging off the tree.)

Naruto dangles both of his legs off the tree

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Naruto dangles both of his legs off the tree. "You're in the Anbu right?" You look at Naruto and he looks at you, "Correct." Naruto looks at his hands, "Is there anybody there with the name Y/n?" I guess he figured since I wasn't able to see him, I was probably in the Anbu. Man, Naruto definitely got smarter. "I wouldn't know. In the Anbu, we do not know each other's real names. We go by code names."

"I see..." Naruto looked a bit sad, "Well then, what's yours?" You smiled, though it's not like he'd be able to see anyway, "Were you not paying attention when the Hokage called me earlier?" Naruto laughed nervously scratching his cheek, "I forgot."

"It's Ab/n."




I'm going to start on another chapter right now :D

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