Chapter 3: Not From This Universe

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It was a quiet walk to the village; though Naruto and Sakura were still dumbfounded at what you said. That is until Sakura spoke up.

"Y/N about what you said earlier..." You looked at her, "You're still thinking about that?" She nodded, "What do mean by calling Naruto cute? Do you see him as a younger brother or something? Quite frankly, I don't think Naruto is cute at all. Plus he's annoying-" 

"Sakura the only thing that's annoying is insulting others. Especially when they did nothing wrong. Tell me something Naruto did that caused you to dislike him."


"And don't say he's childish or just annoying. He's literally still a kid. Plus, even if he were an adult acting childish, it's his life. If you don't like how childish he is, then ignore it." Sakura was speechless. A mere stranger just took up for Naruto without knowing anything about him... Or so they think.

"Y/N you don't have to take up for me. What Sakura says is true." You look at Naruto, "I never said she was wrong. I basically just said she can't change you because it's your life. The only thing that is false, is that you're annoying. I find you very relaxing. You're like the light in the midst of the darkness. You're cheerfulness is a nice virtue, you shouldn't change anything about yourself." This made Naruto blush again, out of embarrassment.

"I've never been complimented before. Especially not so much." This made you smile genuinely at him, "Well, if you ever feel down you can come to me. I'll compliment you as much as you want." Naruto's eyes lit up, "Really?!" You nodded and he gave a mischievous smile.

"Can you call me cool?" 

"You're cool Naruto."

Sakura's eyes widened knowing what he was going to do, "You don't have to agree with everything he says Y/N-"

"Am I strong?"


"Am I going to become Hokage?"


"Am I handsome?"

Sakura was ready to hit Naruto when you said...

"Yes." This made her stop.

Naruto was overjoyed at the affectionate reply's he received and he was doing is signature smile.

Naruto was overjoyed at the affectionate reply's he received and he was doing is signature smile

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After a couple more minutes Kakashi spoke, "We're here." You turned forward. 

You guys reached the front gate, "We need to report our mission to the Hokage. After that we'll see what she wants to do with you." You nod.


Kakashi knocked on the door to the Hokage's office, "Come in." He opened and you guys walked in. So in the timeline right now, Tsunade is Hokage. That means Sasuke will be leaving not too long from now, and after that Naruto will be leaving. I guess while Naruto is out training that's when I'll train as well. 

You were in your thoughts for a few minutes before you heard Kakashi call for you. You look at him, "The rest of you can leave. We'll train tomorrow at the same time." They nodded and left.

You turned to the Hokage as did Kakashi, "This is Y/N. He wants to train as a shinobi in the Leaf." Tsunade looks at you, "Why do you want to train as a shinobi in the Leaf specifically?" 

"It may seem weird, but because Naruto is here." Tsunade looked at you confused, "You know Naruto?" You nod, "I want to protect him. Though he doesn't know me personally, only my name. But that's all I want. You can use me as you wish, I am quite strong I'd say. If you want to test me I'd be fine with that."

Tsunade nods, "Since we don't know anything about you, you do realize we will have to look through your memories just in case." You nod, "I am fully aware of that, and again, I don't mind."


Tsunade and Kakashi were currently taking you to (Insert some hidden place? @.@) When you got there Inoichi was standing there. "Look through this boys memories, make sure he isn't hiding anything." Tsunade ordered Inoichi to which he nodded.

Inoichi grabbed all the things he needed and set them up. "This may hurt a bit." Inoichi said to you. There was a shock into your brain, but nothing extreme, it was tolerable.


"This is-" Inoichi had shock lacing his voice. 

"What's wrong?" Tsunade asked.

Inoichi removed the equipment, "This boy..."

Tsunade and Kakashi looked at Inoichi curiously. 

"He's not from this universe." Tsunade and Kakashi looked shocked, "What do you mean?" He looked at Tsunade, "Exactly as I say. He's from a universe where we are fictional. He has all information on us, as well as what happens in the future." Kakashi and Tsunade were speechless, "It seems he died in his universe he though he wasn't meant to. In return someone had granted him a life in ours. But that's all I could sever from the fragments I got."


Kakashi, Tsunade, and Inoichi were having a conversation among one another about what to do with you. And after a couple minutes they turned to you and Tsunade spoke, "Kakashi will be training you personally, and after a while you will be moved to the Anbu." You nodded, "will this help me protect Naruto." 

"You specifically will be getting rid of any threats towards him." You nodded once more. "For now do as Kakashi says, he'll train you with his other students so no one gets suspicious." 


This chapter is kinda short, but I wanted to end with a little cliff hanger for the next chapter. Please share if you would like anything changed, or if I messed up on anything.

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