Chapter 12: He Found Out

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I wanted to use a more serious picture for this chapter, but this one is just so funny :D




It's been a few weeks since you and Naruto started dating, you only give each other light kisses though. You want to wait until after the war before you get more intimate, otherwise you'll really miss touching him and you know it. You already do just being away from him for a few hours. 

To be honest you were nervous because Naruto found out you were Ab/n. This sometimes made you question everything and hide away for a bit. Naruto fights the people who hurt the innocent, and you've hurt and even killed the innocent because of the Anbu. You're not sure if he know that part, which is what you're scared of. You've been wanting to tell him, but you don't know how to approach him. 

On the other hand, Naruto has noticed how distant you've been and it worries him. He doesn't want anyone else to get involved so he decides to confront you himself.


You decided to get some groceries before heading to the room you and Naruto share. When you get back you see Naruto sitting on the bed as if waiting for you. You were kind of scared, he looks as if he has something serious to say. For Naruto to get serious, something must be wrong. Maybe he found out? Which made you panic internally. You put the groceries away and cautiously walk towards Naruto, sitting on the bed beside him. 

"Y/n, there's something I have to ask." Crap he's talking seriously, I guess he has found out. Goodbye my paradise. (Tendou, see what I did there:>?) 

"I'm sorry."

"Is something wrong?" 

You both spoke in unison.

"Huh? Sorry, for what?" 

"What do you mean is something wrong?"

You both looked at each other confused, "You mean you weren't all serious because you found out?" 

"Found out what? Is it what's causing you to be so distant?" 

"Umm, well. I was going to tell you anyway, so I guess it's now or never." You looked Naruto in the eyes, "I just, don't want you to hate me after what I tell you." 

"Is that what you're worried about? I could never hate you Y/n."

"You say that now..."

Then it came to Naruto, about the talk he had with Tsunade. Y/n couldn't face him before because of the things he's done in the Anbu. He's killed many people, including innocents. He hated himself and didn't think he (Naruto) would look at him the same.

"It's because of the things you did in the Anbu, right?" Naruto asked and your eyes widened, "You know everything?" Naruto nodded, "And I don't see you any differently Y/n. To be honest with you, Grandma Tsunade told me everything when you left for your last mission in the Anbu." 

"But I've killed innocent people, how coul-" Naruto cut you off by hugging you, "Y/n, it's not your fault. I love you alright, I won't stop loving you no matter what. I know you wouldn't kill people without a reason. So, don't worry about it anymore. I hate seeing you be so distant, I don't want you to push yourself away from me or others. Just talk with me, tell me what's wrong and I'll listen alright?"

You started tearing, never in your whole life has anyone shown you so much love before. Is this even possible? Is this still not a dream? Are you truly here forever? Are you truly loved?

You wrapped your arms around Naruto so he didn't see you cry. You're supposed to be the one protecting and loving Naruto, so why does it always fell like the opposite? 

"Y/n? Are you crying?" 



You and Naruto cuddled the rest of the day because, why not?


You headed through the portal to the cottage Itachi was at for a few weeks. You visit him at least once a week and take him out somewhere where nobody would recognize him. Today you figured it was going to be the same as usual, but no.

You opened the door to the cottage and greeted Itachi, "Itachi Ni-San! Where do you want to go today?!" Itachi looked up and smiled at you, "Y/n. Could we stay here today?" You nodded and looked at what he was doing, he was... petting a dog? "Where did you get a dog?!" You were really excited. "I was walking outside for a bit and noticed him limping." 

"Where did he come from? There is nobody around for weeks." He shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe he's been walking that long, he seems hungry but I don't know what to give him." You thought for a moment, "How about some meat?" You kneeled down by the dog who's tail was wagging, "What type of meat do you like buddy?" The dog looked as though he didn't know what meat was. 

"It seems he's never had meat before." You said sadly. "You know what. I'll cook you some steak! I know dogs love steak. You mind giving him a bath while I make it?" Itachi nodded. When you turned around you seen Naruto at the door, "I'm really confused right now." Was all he said. You laughed nervously, "I may have kind of forgot to check if anyone was following me." You said to Itachi, "It's alright. I've already entrusted my brother to Naruto, so I don't mind if he knows." You nodded, "Good because I was really wanting to tell him." You said as if a burden had lifted from your shoulders. 

You told Naruto all about what happened. "Wait you can revive the dead?" You nodded, "But I need their body and it can only be done in the span of 24 hours... Plus..." The two of them looked at you and Itachi spoke, "There was more than just that?" You nodded, "Umm, well... It takes a year off my life span. But it's alright!?" The two of them were shocked and ready to say something until you spoke again, "I don't want to hear it. I only get one year off, but what is one year to a lifetime? Plus Itachi deserves better." 

The two of them gave up knowing they wouldn't talk you out of it. Plus, you were right. One year to a life; it's definitely be better to give up one year for someone who still has many ahead of them.

Naruto decided to help Itachi bathe the dog, a they kind of bond like brother-in-laws :^ You were done with the steak and cutting it as the other two were drying the dog. The dog thought it was play time and started running around inside the cottage while smiling. This caused all of you to laugh, while you waited for the steak to cool a bit, you decided to chase the dog around.

After around 5-7 minutes you decided to give the dog the steak. He enjoyed it very much, and you even gave him a dog-safe dessert. "What are you going to name him Itachi?" Itachi looked at you, "Me?" You nodded, "You saved him, he's your best friend now." The dog seemed to understand and seemed to smile at Itachi, "Hmm, then D/n."

A/N: D/n - Dog Name.

"An amazing choice! And D/n seems to like it as well." D/n was wagging his tail and licking Itachi's arm. (Don't worry they also brushed his teeth really well. As well as checked for any diseases/sicknesses and such). The three of you hung out for a bit before you and Naruto left. "At least Itachi now has someone to keep him company." You smiled. 

"You really seem to care about Itachi." You nodded, "He's like a brother to me. It's sad what they did to him, he deserves better. That's why I saved him, I'll make sure he gets to be happy again. And I'll even have him and Sasuke together again! Though, that's a bit more in the future. You have to bring Sasuke back first after all." Naruto smiled at you, "Leave it to me!"




Maybe one more chapter :)

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