Chapter 10: His Feelings

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Not proof read.




Kakashi and Naruto were near the front gate when...


Kakashi turned towards the direction outside the gate to see who called for him. His eyes widened, that's Y/n's teammate.

Kakashi held onto the figure that was now too worn to stand anymore, "Where's Y/n?!" Naruto was listening but your name caught his full attention.

Your teammate told Kakashi about what happened, "I left a scented trail on my way here, so you will be able to track where Y/n is." Kakashi nodded, "Naruto I'm getting the team ready to head out, make sure you're ready." Naruto nodded. Izumo and Kotetsu helped your teammate per Kakashi's request. They were passed out cold from all the strain on their body.

Around twenty minutes later Kakashi came back with the team ready to head out, this consisted of: Naruto, Sakura, and Sai.

It took around a week to reach the location. "The scent ends here Kakashi." Pakkun said. Kakashi thanked him and he disappeared. "Be prepared for anything." Just then they heard an explosion coming from the unknown building. The building was built into a mountain, thus it wasn't really much of a building.

The three rushed into the 'building' searching frantically yet kept their guard up. After a while they headed down. The way down was pretty far. When they reached the bottom they went straight to the room with fire illuminating from it.

There you were cuts, bruises, and burns all on your body. It broke Naruto's heart, he was mad. Whoever did this to you was going to regret it. "Oh, looks like we have company." The man said turning towards the group. You had managed to weaken him a little, he was also covered with cuts and burns; not as much, but he still had some.

Sakura ran over to heal you, Sai by her side. Kakashi and Naruto began fighting the guy. You knew you were gonna be ok, so you finally fell into a slumber.


The guy was pretty strong, and it took awhile, but Naruto and Kakashi managed to put an end to his career :D Kakashi had to make sure Naruto didn't kill the guy, they needed to take him back to the Leaf for questioning.

Naruto lifted you gently and carried you. It took another week to get back to the village, yet no matter how long you slept, you didn't wake up.

How did this guy manage to defeat someone with all Kekkai Genkai? That's easy. He was experimenting with these types of things, so he somehow managed to find a weakness for all. What a coincidence, right? Don't worry, you'll have your time as the hero later ;)

It's been a week since they got to the village, and Tsunade personally took a look at you. You had cut and burn scars, but other than that, you were fine. She concluded it was just your lack of sleep.

Everyone was relieved and went back to their day-to-day activities. Naruto visited everyday and would even stay the night.

Sakura walked in for your daily check up, "Naruto? You slept here again?" Naruto yawned and stretched nodding. Sakura sighed, "You know Naruto. I've been wanting to ask you this, especially since I've already asked Y/n." Naruto looked at the pinkette questionably. "What do you think of Y/n?" Naruto was confused but answered truthfully, "Well I care about him."

"No not that. How do I word this?... What do you see Y/n as?" Naruto tilted his head, "Well he's my bestfriend of course." Sakura sighed, "Naruto. The way you treat Y/n is different from how you treat everyone else. Yet you're too dumb to realize. And when Y/n wakes up, you may make him misunderstand." Naruto was getting increasingly confused, "Misunderstand what?"

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