Chapter 13: The War - Introduced To His Dad

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The past three chapters including this one were not proof read. I'm too lazy now and I wanna play Genshin :P




Naruto's birthday was coming up, and you know what that mean? Of course! The 4th Great Ninja War! Not that anyone but you and Itachi know anyway. You told Itachi the plan where he is to defeat Kabuto to end the reanimation jutsu. Now you just have to wait.


Naruto is currently off training to take control over the 9-tails power with the help of Octopops C: Whereas Iruka along with the others are guarding the place to make sure Naruto doesn't get past them. You were just chilling watching everyone fight from above, yes you can float or fly? Whatever, not the point. You needed to wait for the time it had in the Anime so the future didn't change. 

Sasuke is supposed to see Itachi and help him with Kabuto, but we can't have that since he is alive. So you decide to distract Sasuke yourself while Itachi defeats Kabuto.

So the time came, you made a portal for Itachi where Kabuto was, of course Kabuto was shocked. Then you teleported yourself to Sasuke. He seen a portal open in front of him so he stopped in his tracks. Out you came, "Y/n?!" Of course he would be confused. "Yo! It's been a while, Sasuke." Keep in mind, everyone in Naruto is 5' something, so you basically tower over everyone being 6'1. You're literally looking down on him right now.

"Out of my way." You shook your head, "You see I kind of need you to go at a certain time, otherwise the timeline won't match up. So just stay here for a bit, yea?" He still tried to get past you, hint, tried. You easily took him down with your Kekkai Genkai, "I asked nicely. I just need you to wait for a bit, until he gives the signal." 

"Who? What signal? Get the hell off me! How are you so strong? I can't even move." You laughed a little, "It's a secret. All you need to know is that I need you to wait." And so you kept him there, him still struggling. It was a bit but you finally got the signal from Itachi telling you he was done. "Alright!" You got off Sasuke, "Well I'll see you later." You opened a portal backing into it. Sasuke was trying to get up to get you, but he couldn't move until the portal fully disappeared.

You went back to Itachi opening a portal to the cottage, where you were greeted by D/n who was waiting the whole time. "I need to go, when it's over I'll get you again, ok?" Itachi nodded understanding. You teleported to the main battle field, well above.


It's now the Tsukuyomi moon, you weren't effected though because you're the main character in this story. Your own story, where you are Naruto's protector. You decided to bring Neji back before the Tsukuyomi gets him, everyone was falling under it one by one. It didn't actually take long to bring Neji back since he didn't die too long ago, and you've mastered revival after bringing Itachi back. As soon as he came back though he was under the Tsukuyomi a was almost everyone. 

A few of your friends had seen you weren't affected but couldn't say anything, because they fell under the power of the Tsukuyomi as well. You then made a portal to where the main battle was to be held, or the place Obito is supposed to die.


You again waited before entering, and just as Kaguya fired the spikes? I'm sure that's what it is :D You used your Mangekyou Sharingan and transported the spike else where as Obito did to the one that was ready to penetrate Kakashi. "Aha, beat that hag!" You yell to Kaguya who was confused about you. 

"Y/n?!" You heard Naruto yell. You could hear Sasuke wonder how you had Mangekyou sharingan. "It's not the time. Plus it's my job to protect you princess." You look at Naruto, "Princess?!" You laughed and turned to Obito, "You aren't needed anymore, please rest." You opened a portal and pushed him through.

It turns out you did change the future slightly as there was another opponent with Kaguya, "You're kidding me! I actually messed something up?!" Everyone was confused (minus Kaguya). "Who the hell are you?!" You pointed to an empty space. "Y/n there's no one there." Sakura said. "No there is. I guess they're my opponent." 

"That's an opponent that appeared because of you." You heard Fate's voice as did everyone else. "What?! You didn't see to tell me this earlier?!" Fate laughed nervously, "I forgot." You fell to your knees, "You forget everything. Ah, whatever. It's because of my presence in this world right?" Fate hummed in response as a yes and you stood up, "Well then, you are my opponent. I can't have you disturbing my wife while he's trying to save the world now can I?" 

Sasuke was confused at that, and him along with everyone but Kakashi are confused as to what you meant by your presence in this world. They were all just shocked in place. "Naruto, you and the others are facing Kaguya, you guys can't see this person because they're mine to fight. So, be safe. I'll take my fight elsewhere so I don't get in your guys' way." Before Naruto could protest you had already teleported you, along with your opponent to another dimensional place.


I don't know how to write fight scenes yet, so just imagine your own. You can do anything as long as you take your opponent down. And you can make them look anyway, as long as it's some sort of hideous creature :D


You teleported back to the dimension everyone else is in noticing they were finished, "Man it took me that long as well?" Naruto came back from dealing with Black Zetsu. You were carrying your opponent with one hand by their collar, they were already dead of course. Sakura looked at the person or creature in your hand, "Eww! What the hell is that thing?!" You looked at her, "Oh. You can see them now?" 

"That's what you had to fight?!" You nodded lifting them up with the hand they are in, "They were pretty easy to defeat, but I guess time flows differently in the dimension I was just in." You shrugged your shoulders. "How can you be so calm about this?!" Naruto came over to inspect the 'person', "Hmm... I've never seen anything like this. How was their fighting style? Were they pretty strong?" You shook your head, "They fought like Sasuke, weak." You groaned out of boredom trying to annoy Sasuke. 

"Wait, you fought Sasuke-Kun?" Sakura asked you. You shook your head, "It wasn't a fight really. I knocked him to the ground so fast." You said proudly and Sasuke tsked. Right after you guys were teleported back to your world, or new world whatever.

There was a bit of dialogue and then Naruto yelled to Kurama excitedly. After a few word exchanged Naruto looked at his dad and back at Kurama, "Go on." With that Naruto ran to his dad, and they spoke for a minute before Naruto yelled to you, "Y/n!" You ran over to him, "is something wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need someth-" Naruto laughed, "No. I wanted to introduce you to my dad." You looked at Minato, He looks much more kind in person, crying internally at the thought. 

"Dad, umm... This is my boyfriend." Naruto said shyly and you smiled. "No I'm not!" Naruto looked at you. You looked at Minato still smiling, "I'm his husband!" You stated in a matter of fact tone. Naruto started blushing, "Huh?!" You looked at him your smile never faulting, "You're my wife Naruto." You said rubbing his hair as you always do. Minato laughed at the couples antics, "Well then, Y/n." You looked at him, "Please take care of my son." You nodded, "Of course! I'm not just his husband, I made myself his protector the moment I came to this world!" Minato smiled wider if possible.

You then left Naruto to talk with his dad and say goodbyes. You really are upset you couldn't save Naruto's parents, but all you can do is be there for him from now on.




Haha three chapters today to make up for the days I didn't update. I literally started writing them at 10AM and it's now 2PM :D It doesn't seem like I write for that long until I look at the time T.T

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