Chapter 16: I Do

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Ha look who forgot to post the next chapters :D Me, that's who!

I only remembered because someone commented on it. I'm literally in the midst of writing one-shots and all that good stuff...

Anyways on to the marriage chapter.




You and Naruto have been together for 5 years and you were currently thinking about how to propose to him. You don't want it to be anything too flashy, who were kind of thinking sex proposal? Propose to him after you've blown his back out... How romance...

Yet after you guys had done it, you chickened out. 

You're now sitting in the bathtub with Naruto sitting between your legs, his back pressing against your chest.

I chickened out a few minutes ago, but it's now or never.

"Naruto, love." You said resting your forehead on his shoulder.

He hummed in response, too embarrassed to talk. 

"I have something to ask you." You turned Naruto to face you. You then took his face in your hands and kissed him, short and sweet. Naruto was now quite confused, he could feel the uneasiness aura around you. "Is everything alright, Y/n-Chan?" He tilted his head a bit making him look as cute as ever.

"Ah, yes. No need to worry. I just needed to ask you something. Just reply with yes or no. Or you can just stay quiet, I don't really know."

"Y/n you're making no sense right now." You nodded, "I know."

You turned your head a bit to gain even just a little confidence. You then proceeded to turn and look him right in the eyes again, taking his hands in yours and kissing them. Your actions caught him off guard, "Y-y/n?"

"Naruto." Naruto swallowed, your voice was so serious and so... 


"Will you make me the happiest person in the world?"

Naruto smiled, "Whatever makes you happy Y/n-Chan, I'll do it."

"Then... Will you marry me?" 



Naruto's head was currently hung low, safe to say he was really embarrassed. You could see his face, ears, and neck turning blood red. And no, it's not from the temperature of the water.

"O-of course." His voice was quivering.

"Are you that embarrassed, love?" You laughed out.

"Yes! Why wouldn't I be? I've been wanting you to ask because I couldn't." He shook out.

"Well it's good you're nervous. Hell I was too nervous to ask you earlier. I've been practicing for the past year."

Naruto looked up at you, "A whole year?!" You nodded in response, "Well actually earlier, but I didn't start planning until a year ago."

Naruto got embarrassed again and laid his head on your shoulder making you laugh.


It's now been another year and the day of your wedding.

You were wearing a tuxedo/dress, or whatever the hell you want to wear, and you looked fine as frick.

You were currently under the arbor waiting for Naruto, who you found out, decided to wear a dress. How cute will he be? Cuter than the fanart of course!

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