Chapter 4: Ramen

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A/N: Wowow I'm updating this one :D I'm glad people are actually reading this T.T So I'll now update more frequently!

I was also wondering if anyone can see the pictures at the top that I put? When I'm viewing my stories as a reader I can't see them. Please do tell if you can or not, I appreciate it.




It's been a couple days since you came to the Leaf Village; you had to get things settled, that goes with signing a few documents as well. It's now the first day you get to train with team 7, you couldn't be happier.

"Kakashi-Sensei, you're not late this time?!" Sakura asked shocked. "I'm not late THAT much." His students look at him, "Yes, you are." They said in union leaving the copy ninja to let out a nervous laugh. "From now on we will have a new member in our team. I guess they're a little late today." As if on cue someone runs to the group panting, "I... I'm sorry I'm late. Tsunade made me copy a few thing down before I left." You said out of breathe.

"Wait, so the new member is you Y/n-Kun?" You stood straight up nodding regaining your composure. "As the new member I will personally be training him to catch up with you guys. So just train amongst yourselves for a few days.

"A few days?! Wouldn't it take weeks for him to catch up?" Sakura asked. "Usually, but it seems as though Y/n is naturally gifted. He learns things quite fast." Kakashi relayed. Good thing I asked for the Kekkai Genkai so I can learn things fast. If I didn't have them, I would definitely forget everything :D, you think to no one but yourself.

"Well then, everyone start training, I'll take Y/n over there."

With that you and Kakashi walked over to the area and started your training. You were able to use Kekkai Genkai undetected surprisingly, maybe since Kakashi wasn't using his sharingan. "You really are a natural Y/n. I think you're actually already caught up without training; no, you're already ahead of everyone." You nodded to Kakashi, "Well then, does that mean I'm able to train with them?" Kakashi nodded, "But since you're ahead, why don't you help me train them instead. That way their training will be more challenging without me having to use sharingan."

You nodded once more, "I like that idea."

With that you and Kakashi walked to his other three students that were training with one another. Sakura turned your way, "Are you guys done training?" Kakashi patted your head, "Y/n here is such a natural, he's going to help me train you guys." Everyone's eyes went wide, yes even Sasuke.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked. "It means Y/n is already way ahead of you guys. You could learn a thing or two from him." "B... But he didn't even hardly train with you Kakashi-Sensei... How could he already be way ahead of us? Does that mean he's even ahead of Sasuke-Kun?" Sakura asked nervously. Kakashi nodded in response, "Even better than me?!" Naruto added in. Of course this ramen loving idiot would ask such a thing. He actually is more powerful than anyone thinks right now. He's so adorable.

"Yes, Naruto. Now, who wants to fight him first?"


Everyone fought you individually and lost horribly. Then they went in as a group and still lost horribly.

"Just how strong are you Y/n-Kun?" Sakura asked you panting, to which you shrugged in response. "I'll admit it *pant* you're quite *pant* strong." Naruto says panting. Did Naruto just call me strong! Omg I'm in paradise! You think squealing in your head. On the outside you have a cold look on your face constantly, not showing any emotion, "I have to admit as well Naruto, I had a bit of trouble with you. If you keep training you'll surpass me." You say to Naruto with your eyes closed.

"Hah! Take that Teme!" Naruto brags at Sasuke who gave him an annoyed look.

"Training for today is over, see you guys tomorrow at the same time!" Kakashi says disappearing with his pervy book in hand.

"Ah, I'm so hungry!" Naruto looks at Sakura, "Hey Sakura-Chan, wanna get some ramen with me?" Sakura looks at Naruto annoyed, "No way Naruto." She then turns to Sasuke with hearts in her eyes, "Hey Sasuke-Kun, wanna get something to eat with me?!" Sasuke walks off leaving Sakura, who then starts following him.

You see Naruto's upset face before he covers it with a smile, "Umm" You start, getting Naruto's attention. "Would you mind if I took that offer instead?" You asked the blond-haired boy. Naruto's eyes lit up, "Really?!" You nodded, and right after Naruto took your wrist and ran with you to Ichiraku Ramen.

When you guys sat down Naruto ordered his usual, "What about you Y/n?"

"I'll have the same."

"Make that two!"

"You can order more Naruto, I'll pay." Naruto's eyes lit up, "Really?!" You nodded. With that Naruto ordered until he couldn't eat anymore. And no we will not talk about how you have so much money -_-.

When you guys were done you walked out of Ichiraku Ramen, "thank you Y/n!" You smiled at him, "It's alright, no need to thank me. Anytime you want to eat there just ask me and I'll buy it for you." "I don't want you to buy it for me all the time." Naruto said. You could tell he felt bad for making you pay, though it's your choice. "No worries, I want to pay for you." You said still smiling at him.

"Umm, why are you so nice to me? Usually everyone would call me annoying or try their best to stay away from me..." You could hear the sadness in his voice. You rubbed his head, "Because I want to. What do I make you feel uncomfortable or something?" He shook his head, "The opposite. But it's just weird, since I'm not used to it."

You laughed which made Naruto's heart to throb a bit, "You best get used to it Ramen boy. And from now on call me Y/n-Chan" You say smiling before walking towards your apartment, "Goodnight Naruto!" You said waving without looking back.

Naruto was genuinely confused as to why someone would care for him like this. Not that it bothered him, but it made him feel weird. Not a bad weird, but a kind he didn't understand.




A/N: Not me playing Genshin while writing this :D

Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and write another chapter because 1) I'm in the mood and 2) I haven't updated this story for a bit. Hope you're enjoying it :D

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