Chapter 37: Moves Like Jagger

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Moves like Jagger is by Maroon5 ^.^ oh, the last chapter i posted... I accidentally named it Chapter 3: We Found Love instead of Chapter 36. So just pretend that that says 36 instead of 3 for me, because my device is being stupid and not letting me change the annoying thing!!!!

This chapter was fun to write, heh :)

Chapter 37

Moves like Jagger

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I ran a hairbrush through my knotty hair and ran to get changed.

Suddenly there was a tapping noise on my window. I turned around to see Ross siting on my windowsill, a hand over his eyes, the other quietly tapping my window rhythmically.

I gasped, slipping on a bikini quickly, then pulling my towel tightly around me again.

I ran and locked my door, closed all of my curtains, and opened the window to where Ross was sitting.

"Are you decent?" he whispered, his hand still over his eyes.

"Sure," i laughed, grabbing his free hand and yanking him into my room. He fell to the floor with a soft moan.

"I'm opening my eyes," he warned me.

He pulled his hand off of his eyes and rubbed his head.

I smiled at him.

"Ow?" he stood up and gave me a quick kiss.

As he started to pull away from me, i put a hand behind his neck and pulled him into me again. Ross put a hand on my hip and pressed closer to me.

Every part of me was screaming that it wasn't a good idea; it would end badly.

But there was a tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me that this was my life. Not anyone else's. I needed to stop thinking what others thought of me... I needed to stop thinking about What my mom would do if she found me kissing the boy she had forbidden me to see.

Instead i let my mind become consumed in the feeling of Ross's body pressed against mine, his hair that flopped perfectly onto his forehead, his warm lips on mine.

Ross's hand moved up my side and i slipped a hand into his shirt pocket.

I smiled and pulled him over Towards a wall, pushing my tongue into his mouth. Suddenly my towel fell to the floor, and i instantly started flipping out, until i remembered that i was wearing my bathing suit. I pulled my tongue out of his mouth but kept kissing back.

Ross's hand slid back down my side, stopping again at my hip.

He pressed me into the wall and bit my lip softly, making my spine tingle. Ross's hand on my hip moved to my lower back and he placed his other hand on my cheek.

"Thank goodness you're wearing a swim suit," Ross breathed, his body still pressed against mine.

I laughed and pushed harder into him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I slid my hands down his arms, then back up to the center of his chest.

Ross pulled slightly away from me to breath for a second, then pushed back into me with renewed force.

I played with the top button on Ross's shirt for a minute before making up my mind.

I unbuttoned it, and the three beneath it. Ross's hand moved up my back, curling over my shoulder and Coming to rest on the back of my neck.

I unbuttoned three more buttons.

The shoulders of Ross's shirt were hanging loosely on Ross's ripped frame.

Ross quickly ran his fingers down his torso and unbuttoned the rest of his buttons, then put both of his hands on my sides.

I pulled his shirt off and continued kissing him. I ran a hand down his muscular arm again, when Ross started pulling my by my lips to the other end of the room.

Before my brain could register what was happening, Ross gently pushed me down onto my couch and crawled on top of me.

"Stop! Stop now!" a little voice said inside my head.

"Don't stop! It's going to be okay! Ross wouldn't do anything to you that would make you uncomfortable." another, slightly shriller voice said.

"What would your mom say?"

This remark angered me.

"That's right!" the shriller voice smirked. "Your mom doesn't rule you! Do what you want."

Was this really right? It felt right.

Was Ross just messing with my head? Probably.

After a moment's hesitation, i shrugged the nagging feeling of guilt off.

If Ross tried to make a move on me, I'd stop him. But for now...

Ross rested a hand behind my back, and pulled me over on top of him.

I rested my hand on his chest and felt his arms wrap tightly around my waist, pulling me close to him. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Jordan?" my mom called.

My heart stopped and i quickly pulled away from Ross.

My eyes widened and Ross mouthed hurriedly, "Say something!!!!!!!"

I nodded and shouted, "Yep?"

"We're going to the beach today! I'm assuming josh probably already told you? Be ready in fifteen minutes!" there was the sound of her footsteps as she walked away, and then it was silent.

Ross breathed heavily. "That--"

"Sh!!" i cupped my hand over his mouth.

There was silence for a couple more seconds, then the sound of more footsteps. Ross's eyes widened.

He was quiet for a minute, then pulled my hand off of his mouth and whispered, "That was close. You're going to the beach?"

I nodded, lying back down on top of him.

"My family too! Maybe..." he trailed off.

Hurt shown in his eyes.

"I know," i whispered hoarsely. "Why must she be so... So..."

"Forceful? Overreactive? Mean? Spicy?" Ross counted them off on his fingers, winking at me.


Ross laughed. "I'm sure she'll come around."

He played with my fingers. "I shoulder probably get going, huh?"

I frowned. "Yeah..."

Ross gently pushed me off of him, standing up. "I love you Jordan."

He gave me a quick peck on my cheek, then he flew out my window, not forgetting to grab his shirt crumpled on the floor as he went.

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