ghost dweam :) pt 3

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The ghost stared at the house in front of them.

He'd been hit with nostalgia as soon as he laid eyes upon the run-down brick building. It was as if his body was dragging him towards the entrance, but he resisted, for now, taking a moment to observe the exterior.

The plants decorating the outside were dying, no one had bothered to water them. Fish could be seen floating in the aquarium that made up the walls of the second floor. They appeared to be dead. The state of the structure saddened and confused the ghost. He could not understand why a simple building had this effect on him.

"You okay?" Ranboo asked, slight concern evident in their voice.

The ghost nodded slowly.
"I-i just feel like this was important to me somehow, and I don't know why".

"Well, it is the community house, " Tubbo explained, "so I'm pretty sure everyone has some sort of attachment to this place. It's technically the oldest building on the server if you don't count all the times it had to be rebuilt"

The ghost stepped inside. He felt like something was missing. The house felt empty. There wasn't even a bed.

An image suddenly flashed through the ghost's mind. Four beds beside each other, one a painfully bright magenta clashing against the muted colours of the other three.

The image was gone before the ghost could blink, but something remained, maybe a memory...

The ghost shook his head, blinking rapidly. He glanced over to one of the corners, where he felt like the beds should've been. There was now a single chest instead.

The trio behind the ghost let him be, but sent each other concerned glances, ready to step in if the ghost became overwhelmed.

The ghost approached the spiral staircase in the middle of the building. It only went up. Shouldn't there be a downstairs as well? The ghost didn't know why he would assume that, since obviously, he didn't remember anything.

"Did...did there use to be a basement?" he asked.

The group shrugged.

"If there was, it was probably before any of us got here" Tommy replied.

The ghost's shoulders dropped slightly. He was confused and started to become frustrated.

Everything felt familiar somehow like he'd known these places for years, but there were no memories connected to anything. Not a single thing except those damn beds.

The ghost turned around and exited the building. The trio followed him.

"Anything?" Ranboo asked.

The ghost shook his head.
"Nothing but vague nostalgia"

He wasn't sure why he wanted to hide the memory of the beds. These were nice people, right? They wanted to help him, right?
But a nagging fear in his chest forced his lips shut, keeping the information only to himself.

"Then we continue until we do find something you can remember," Tommy said, far too optimistic for the ghost.

"Maybe L'Manburg?" Tubbo suggested.

The name rang no bells for the ghost, but that was expected.

Tommy nodded and once again started dragging the ghost after him.

They walked back the way they came, and the ghost allowed himself to properly take in the scenery this time around. Every flower, every sporadically placed chest or crafting table, it all made the server feel both alive and abandoned at the same time, an odd feeling, the ghost thought.

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