Red hood nightwing fluff /p

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It was late, or rather, early, 5:32 in the morning, to be exact. Nightwing yawned, rubbing his eyes through the mask, at least trying to.

The hero was perched on top of a skyscraper, waiting for any indication of a crime. He'd already stopped a few crimes that night, he wasn't keeping count, but didn't feel quite ready to head home.

Then, gunshots.

Nightwing used his grappling hook to quickly make his way down to the streets. He ran towards the gunshots, listening for more.

As he rounded the last corner adrenaline was pushing away the fatigue, but not before he let out another yawn.

In front of Nightwing was quite a scene. One man was laying on the ground, another cowering behind a car, and a third kneeling, his hands in the air. The cause of their predicaments was a woman in biker clothes, holding a gun in steady hands. A fine blanket of white powder covered the gun and the ground.

A drug deal gone wrong.

"Put the gun down please and we can all go home," Nightwing said, making his presence known.

The woman glanced over, brows furrowing in worry. She'd probably not expected to deal with a vigilante. The men wore a mixture of relief and terror. Nightwing suspected the woman was the one to be careful of. She proved him right by firing three quick shots, one of them grazing Nightwing's arm.

"Okay, guess we're doing this"
Nightwing leaped at the woman, knocking them both to the ground. He pried the gun from her and threw it away.

The woman wasted no time, dealing out a punch to Nightwing's throat, followed by a kick.

The woman got up, heading for her gun. Nightwing scrambled to his feet, coughing, struggling to take in the amount of oxygen he needed.

"Oh no you dont"
He threw his escrima stick at her feet. She tripped and fell to the ground. She failed to catch herself. She didn't get back up.

Nightwing picked up the gun, hanging it from his belt. He'd turn it over to the police once he got to work on Monday. He picked up the stick as well.

Suddenly a figure jumped down, knocking out one of the men.

Nightwing raised his sticks towards the figure, electricity dancing across the sticks' surface, only for a split second, before he recognized the shiny red helmet. A sigh of relief left him.


"Your dumbass almost got shot. Why are you still patrolling this late?"Jason scolded.

Nightwing blinked. Did he? He looked over at the man Jason knocked out, and there was indeed a gun next to the man's hand. Oh.

"But I didn't" Nightwing shrugged.

"Okay, that's it" Jason grabbed Nightwing's arm and started leading him away from the scene.

"I can't just leave them like this, they're gonna escape?" Nightwing argued. They should until the police arrived.

"The cops are probably already on their way if there was gunfire," Jason said, ending the argument.

Nightwing reluctantly let Jason drag him to an alley where a black motorbike was parked.

"Here" Jason threw a helmet at Nightwing, who barely managed to catch it. Maybe that was a sign of enough patrolling for one night.

Jason mounted the bike and waited for Nightwing to do the same. Nightwing brushed the hair away from his face and put on the helmet and took a seat on the bike. His arms found their way around Jason's waist, ignoring the janky handle behind him.

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