Oli still on the dsmp ??

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Walking with Dream was awkward, to say the least. He barely spoke, and when he did, it was only to the blobs, which Oli could've sworn were duplicating because there definitely weren't over ten of them back in the community house.

It was also difficult to keep up with Dream. Not because he moved particularly fast, in fact, Oli could see the physical strain on Dream, the way he had a slight limp, the way he stayed hunched over, the way his breathing was heavy from just walking, the way he paused, pretending to scout the area while leaning heavily on a tree. This Dream was nothing like all the rumors Oli had heard. Despite all this, Oli almost lost him more than once, as he insisted on jumping over random gaps in the ground, swerving around trees, randomly detouring to hunt for food, and he also had the advantage of knowing where they were headed. But Oli managed.

"So", they were probably at least half an hour into walking when Oli finally dared to attempt to start up a conversation, "how come you're in hiding on your own server?"

Dream turned his head and glared, clearly not wishing to discuss it.
"Long story"

Dream kept walking.

Oli sensed the tension rising.
"Got it! Changing subject! What's your favorite color?"

There was a pause.

"Green" Dream mumbled.

"That's a good one," Oli agreed, "mine is yellow"

Another minute of silence.

"Do you have a favorite food?" Oil asked.

Dream was once again silent for a moment.
"Steak is pretty good, but anything that's not potatoes, really" he finally answered.

"Favorite drink?"

"Are you just going to keep talking?"

"Yup" Oli grinned, silently praying he wasn't crossing any lines.

Dream shook his head, somewhat annoyed, but made no further effort to put an end to Oli's questions.

Oli debated asking another question when Dream cleared his throat.
"It's water, by the way"

The silence continued, but it was a lot more comfortable now that Oli knew Dream at least did not despise him.

The forest soon opened up into a small clearing, a lava lake in the center. Dream stopped by the edge of the lake.
"All of you, inside the hood" Dream told the blobs, who all obliged.

Dream turned to Oli.
"Have you ever jumped through lava like this?"

Oil shook his head. He was starting to understand where this was going.

"We'll jump at the same time so you don't jump wrong, cause not all of the lake lets you through"

Oli stood next to Dream, staring down at the bubbling lava. Oli gulped. He knew this method was perfectly safe, as long as you did it correctly, but God, it was scary.

"I can give you fire res if you're scared" Dream offered.

Oil wanted to accept the offer, but he'd probably have to do this again, and it was better to just get this over with and he wouldn't have to worry next time.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer though" Oli replied.

Dream nodded.
"Okay then, on three"


Oil took a deep breath. It was fine. He wasn't going to die. This was perfectly safe.


Dream grabbed the back of Oli's hoodie, presumably to guide him towards the right blocks.

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