peerpressure duo angst/fluff /p

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There was a strange tension in the air as Ranboo stepped through the door to Techno's cabin, closing it a little too slowly.

"You home already, Ranboo? I thought you were going to stay with Tubbo tonight. There should still be some food at Phil's if you're hungry" Techno greeted, not looking up from the potions he was brewing.

Ranboo said nothing.


"Why?" came a whisper.

"Why what?" Techno mumbled, busy measuring gunpowder for the potions.

"Why did you kill Tubbo?"

The jar of gunpowder shattered on the floor, having fallen from Techno's usually steady hands.

He turned around to face his friend.

Ranboo looked tired as if he'd ran the entire way back. His fists were clenched and he was trembling.

Even through the long hair covering Ranboo's face, Techno could still see the fresh acidic marks running down his cheeks.

"At the festival. Why did you kill him?" Ranboo's voice failed him, only allowing a low whimper.


Techno didn't know what to say, how to explain. How was he going to explain to his friend that he gave in to simple peer pressure, succumbed to the voices howling for a blood sacrifice, obeyed Schlatt's order? He couldn't. He couldn't even explain it to himself.

"I'm sorry"
That was all he could say.

Ranboo offered no response.

Techno's concern grew when he noticed the distinct purple flickering in the enderman hybrid's eyes.


Suddenly a fist came flying for Techno's face. Techno instictively dodged, letting the punch hit his shoulder instead.

Ranboo wasn't done yet.

Punch after punch, and Techno let it happen. He wasn't going to fight Ranboo.

The hits started lacking any significant force behind them.

Mist was steadily rising from Ranboo's cheeks and he was trembling.

Techno eventually dared to touch the other, a hand finding its way into the back of Ranboo's hair pulling him into an awkward hug.

Ranboo didn't struggle, letting his head fall onto the other's shoulder. He was tired. He didn't even know if he was angry anymore.

The fabric of Techno's shirt was rough against his fresh wounds, but at least it stopped new tears from furthering the damage.

"I'm so sorry" Techno whispered, hugging Ranboo closer, subconsciously rubbing comforting circles on his back.

The sobs quieted down, Ranboo's grip on Techno's shirt loosening.

"I'm sorry. That was dumb of me" Ranboo mumbled into Techno's shirt.

Techno hushed him.
"It's fine. You were angry. I'm not gonna hold that against you, okay?"

Ranboo nodded slowly, the tension in his body dwindling, his shoulders dropping.

"Let's get you cleaned up and get you some dinner, alright?" Techno offered.

Ranboo nodded again, and they made the short walk over to Phil's, Ranboo still leaning on Techno.

The warm light of a fireplace and the scent of grilled fish welcomed the pair as they opened the door, a smiling Phil greeting them.

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