Descent to Madness

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Izuku decided not to go back to school. What's the point? I'll be a danger to others anyway...
He rested that day, ignoring his growing hunger, and having a blood bag for dinner.

In the evening, clearly long after school day had ended, the boy heard a knock on the door... as well as a familiar voice. "Deku, please open up!"

Slowly, Izuku stood up from where he was, and sluggishly strode to the door. He only dared open it a crack. "What do you want, Kacchan?"
The ashen blond quietly replied. Fear, concern, and worry laced his voice as he replied. "Just to see how you're doing. You didn't come to school today..."
Still without any joy, he told him the truth. "I... I won't be able to anymore."
Instead of immediately understanding, his best friend remained confused. "Why?"

"I... why don't you come in..." Izuku opened the door and let Katsuki in. The place was dark, as he didn't wish to get any debts while he can't afford to pay them. That, and it was comfortable enough for his eyes, which could see perfectly in the dark.

The blond's eyes couldn't catch anything in the dark. And he made that well known. "It's dark in here, how the fuck do you see?"

Shrugging, the ravenette simply said, "It isn't dark to me..."

Turning back to his friend's voice, Bakugo asked, "Why can't you come to school any more?"

Sighing, the now black haired boy told him the truth. "I only have... 5 days worth of food left. And no way to get more... yet..."

Katsuki, to his credit, tried his best to convince him. "I could always ask mom to get some for you! You could come live with us!"

But... self sacrificing as he was, he didn't want to take the offer. That, and the ravenette was silently afraid of what kind of life he would drag them down to. "I wouldn't want to impose on her. She probably doesn't want you near me anymore either... for your safety..." Izuku was clearly determined to be self sufficient... even if that wasn't in his best interest at the current moment. 

His blond friend, while not liking nor agreeing with that, wanted to make absolutely sure that he was okay with his choice. "Are you sure...?"

His silence said more than the boy could have with words. He wanted to accept help, but couldn't bring himself to do so. Especially not with his quirk. Deciding that the best course of action was to be an option for him, and with time running short, Katsuki offered, as he went back to the front door. "Well, if you need anything..."

Izuku, however, merely nodded. "I know..."

Bakugo said his goodbyes, but left feeling that would be the last time he would see Izuku, for at least a while.

Izuku's hunger was unbearable after night 6. This, plus his self inflicted isolation, had made him absolutely miserable. He had turned to bad habits, as his arms would attest, with all the little lines, cross crossing almost as if he were a drawn character. Still gripping the bloody knife, and looking in the mirror, he asked himself: "Why does this happen to me...? Why...? Am I life's big joke? Am I supposed to laugh?" He tried to smile, to show that he could... but just he couldn't bring himself to do so. "How do I smile again? I just want to be happy again..." He looked down at the blade, and a twisted idea came to mind. I do it to my arms... why not just add one to my face? Slowly, he brought it up, looking in the mirror...

Ochako Uraraka was walking home, forced to live by herself in order to go to UA high school. Today had been a most important day for the young girl, she had just taken the entrance exam, for UA, the most prestigious institution in Japan. This day was another crucial step closer to her dream of being a hero. Not just to save lives, but also to help her parents' financial issues. They provided everything for her, and it was her duty to return the favor. However, due to how inexpensive her apartment was, it was in a more dangerous part of town... heroes barely patrolled here. And that made it, and by extension, her, prime targets for... less savory individuals. Such as the one that interrupted her walk home.

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