Like Lambs to the Slaughter...

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Arriving to the viewing area, Allmight waited for them with the rest of the class, only slightly surprised... and still unnerved by Izuku. His voice wavered, which did sadden the boy, since Allmight was still his number one favorite of all time. "Ah, Momo and... young Midoriya."

With a slightly mournful voice, he waved off the man. "If it's easier... you can ignore me."
However, the man's resolution was downright praiseworthy. Even if he wasn't naturally a teacher, he was still willing to go the extra mile. That meant a lot to Izuku. "No... it's my duty as a teacher to help all students."

Momo, looking around at everyone, who waited for them to stop talking, asked, "What did we miss?"
He was cheerful enough while explaining, being animated and grabbing the attention of the class. "Not much, we just arrived here before you did. I can explain what we are doing. We are doing 2v2 fights! With objectives for each side, both the hero and villain sides! Since you two came together, you'll be the last team."

Narrowing his eyes, Izuku asked, not wanting to be defined by that term again. "Heroes and villains?"
Gulping slightly, it was clear that the number one hero was still nervous around him. With good reason. While he may not be able to take him down in his powered form... his twisted view of the hero was more than enough to unsettle him. "The Heroes will either have to capture both villains or touch the bomb. The villains either have to defeat the heroes, or stop them from getting to the bomb in a specific amount of time."

Before Izuku could state his displeasure at the terms of the exercise... Momo asked, "Are the other teams picked already?"
He nodded, glad that she was able to sort of diffuse the situation. "Exactly! Since you're here, It will be Izuku & Momo against Kaminari and Mineta. Izuku and Momo will be the villain team." To Izuku and Momo, he stated, "You will have 5 minutes to prepare."

Arriving at the building, they noticed that there were few windows. Presumably, for less intel on the heroes side... as they entered into the building, it kinda disappointed Izuku. Don't get him wrong, finally being in the hero course was amazing... but its clear that these mock buildings were made to be replaceable. They were made from nothing but concrete, with little decoration. "Where's the artistry? At least when I make something, I make it look like me!" Izuku muttered, which Momo caught.

The raven haired girl did point out to them. "Well... not everyone has your... tastes..."

Baring his teeth, he laughed, "True enough..."

Finally, they reached the central room... and found the "bomb". Walking to it, Izuku wanted to test it. "Let's see how heavy this is..." It was easily liftable, and felt like paper. It was paper mache. Without turning to her, the vampire noted. "Right, it can move with little effort... you have any ideas?"
Momo was surprised, especially with how chatty he was before. "I thought you were the... volunteering type."

Shrugging, he stated, "I'm always open to ideas... Don't you remember the night we met?"

She paled at the memory. "We have very different ideas when it comes to... being open to others."

He laughed, but then remembered the time limit. They had little time left, and they needed to strategize. "What are the enemies' quirks?"

Now serious, she divulged the information she knew or noticed. "Denki can create an electric field around himself. Uses it too much, or generates too much power at once, and he short circuits his brain. Mineta can pull purple spheres from his head and throw them. They stick to anyone or anything for around 10 minutes." She seemed to... dislike... talking about the latter person.
For once, Izuku didn't seem confident, and less than eager about the upcoming fight. Glancing around, he whispered, just in case the cameras had microphones. "This is actually pretty bad."

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